Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Review: The Will by Kristen Ashley

Happy Release Day KA! 
So, so, so damn happy that the wait for this little gem of a book is O.V.E.R. Over. Hurrah!

It's been a very productive day here, productive as in, I have done nothing but devour a ton of chocolate, coffee, and the book. **Sighs** I love days like this. Simply perfect.

The Will (Magdalene Series, #1)Now you know me, a new KA book? I'm all over that shit. But today's book? Totally baffled me. Oh, in a good way though. Why baffled? I don't think I have ever read a KA book that gave me such an eye opening experience..reaction? It made me think. It also made me appreciate just how damn good my life it, but that my friends, is a story for another day.

As you know, KA books are all about Drama. With a capital D. They can be slightly unrealistic, but not too unrealistic. Hey, sometimes we need that. This one? Hit me in the gut. Yup. Sucker punched. This is primarily because it was so damn believable. There wasn't all the drama, hell, even Jake wasn't as Alpha as some of her other guys. Okay, that's not really true, he just wasn't as in your face about it as say..Knight or Luke. Did that have any negative influence? Oh, fuck no! If anything, I fell more in love with the dude.

Okay, Okay. Getting slightly ahead of myself again. First off, maybe I should explain what it's all about?

"Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant. 

While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love. 

But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it. 

Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth."

That shit right there ^^^, left me speechless. Just that tiny snippet, I knew I needed this. I knew it would deliver. I loved everything. I cannot possibly give this book a review that will do it justice. What I can say is that it was funny, it held my attention (all day!) and it was beautifully written. Less of the crazy, more of the soft, sweet moments. And yes, steamy sex is still there of course!

I loved how Lydia gave Jake and Josie, and his kids, a beautiful gift. I loved how she made damn sure her treasure was kept safe, was protected. I loved how she explained her intentions on tape. Hell, I loved every damn thing.

What I will add, what I don't think I have ever had the mind to mention before in a review, is that the detail in this book? Amazing. Truly appreciated. I cannot begin to understand how this lady does pretty much everything so damn good. Gah!

5 stars? No, too low. I cannot rate this. But guys? Go one click this beauty. Have those eyes opened.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Review: Wildest Dreams (Fantasyland #1) by Kristen Ashley

Good morning guys and dolls. Yes I said morning, because technically it is. MmHm. Right now, in the not so sunny, no so hot, damn right depressing UK it is 12.30 a.m. Why am I awake?
1. I have a new obsession with american TV shows that we never get to see here. Netflix, I love you.
2. I'm hungry, but too darn lazy to do anything about it.
3. I am ready to review!

It's taken me a while to process everything. I know, I shouldn't read a whole series before doing this, but I could NOT stop, nor did I want to ;)

As I said...last week? Huh, lost time. Well, whatever. I promised reviews, and here they are! See, didn't let ya down after all.

Wildest Dreams (Fantasyland, #1)You know me (sorta) and you know (most definitely) that if a book hits the spot, I write like crazy. I am a woman on a mission. This time..I couldn't. I knew I wouldn't be able to write the right words. I could not do it justice, hell, I'm pretty sure I still can't..but here we go anyway...

The Fantasyland series by KA is one that I have put off reading for a while. I wasn't ready to turn my back on good ol' standard (is there such a thing?) romance. Alpha romance that is. I wasn't ready for new worlds, okay, universes. I wasn't ready to be taken back in time or to a place where men treat women like trophies. And no, at first, it's not the good kinda trophy, but we'll get to that later. I wanted safe, sexy alphaness that KA always delivers. But...I did it. I had too. Needed a KA fix and these babies were there screaming "Bitch, you better read us now"

I did. Duh. I was unsure, and in the end? Pleasantly surprised. Wildest dreams went against everything I thought I wanted. It was upsetting, it was unusual. It was intense, had me chewing my cheeks and up all night. Hurrah! So what's it about?

Seoafin “Finnie” Wilde was taught by her parents that every breath was a treasure and to seek every 

adventure she could find. And she learns this lesson the hard way when they perish in a plane crash. But 

she never forgets and when she discovers there is a parallel universe where every person has a twin, she 

finds a witch who can send her there so she can have the adventure of a lifetime. 

But upon arrival in the Winter Wonderland of Lunwyn, she realizes she’s been played by her twin and 

finds herself walking down the aisle to be wed to The Drakkar. 

Thrown into inauspicious circumstances, with years of practice, Finnie bests the challenges and digs into 

her adventure. But as Frey Drakkar discovers the woman who is his new wife is not Princess Sjofn, a 

woman he dislikes but instead, his Finnie, a free-spirit with a thirst for venture just like him, without her 

knowledge he orders his new bride bound to his frozen world, everlasting. 

But at the same time Frey plunges Finnie into a web of political intrigue that includes assassination plots, 

poison, magic, mystery and… dragons.

Let me point out right here, I may have actually hated Frey at first. Silly, silly man! Oh, he pissed me off. I may have said several..uh..well unladylike like words to him. No, really. I spoke to the pages like he was real and could hear me. Okay, enough of hearing how weird I am!

I hated him. I adored Finnie, how could I not? But Frey..no. Just..no. I panicked, would this be the first KA alpha that I didn't fall head over heels in love with? What was happening? Was the world ending, would pigs begin to fly? Or worse, would there be no coffee in the morning? Dum dum DUM!!!

It's okay, do not panic! All is right in KA land! I ended up totally, completely falling for him. YAY! **happy wiggle**

This book? It is magic. Pure, honest to god magic guys. Is it perfect writing? Fuck no, but then nothing is perfect. The storyline? That's as close to it as it could possibly be. I was completely enchanted by this book. After my initial hatred that is. There's just something about it. I didn't love everything in it, fuck, I didn't even like everything, but there was just something telling me to continue. That in the end, it would be totally worth it. Nice to know I can rely on my gut feeling now and again hehe.

4.5 stars!

p.s. TOTALLY want a dragon..