Friday, 21 February 2014

Review: A Different Blue by Amy Harmon

So, I've been looking through Mr Kindle again, and found tons of books that I need to review. I say this all the time, but I am sorting this out today! It's been interesting, that's for sure. Some books, I remembered straight away, others..not so much.

A Different BlueThis one stuck with me. I read it almost a year ago, and I still get tingles just thinking about it. It isn't your usual romance. It's not even your usual teacher/student romance thing. Nope. It is so much more. It's powerful, it is written just right. I totally went all three bears there didn't I? He he. It's true though. I didn't get that weird feeling that I usually do when reading about teacher/student relationships. Why? Well, the whole background story. I was totally rooting for these two. Weird. That never happens until around 60% in. Oh, I was all for these guys right from the start.

Blue Echohawk has no clue who she is. She doesn't know who her parents are, where she was born, hell, she doesn't even know her real birthday. She was abandoned when she was 2, and a drifter raised her as his own. That sounds really odd doesn't it? I thought so too, but honestly, it's super sweet when you get into it.

She didn't begin school until she was ten, and now at nineteen, she's a senior in high school. Blue is..difficult. She's totally bad ass on the outside. How could she not be? She doesn't identify with anyone. Oh, but her shit is about to end. At least it is in school. For now. He he.

Enter Mr British teacher! MmHm. Now, I'm form the UK, so when I read about British teachers, I totally imagine them talking like I do. I've been told that some of you US guys read it all proper and posh. Whatever works. Sorry, random thought right there. Back to it!

Blue tests him. She isn't used to anyone giving a damn about her, anyone apart from the man who raised her that is.

I want to say, right now, that this really is not like anything I have read in this genre. It isn't all about Blue falling for her teachers and keeping everything a secret. Sure that plays into it, but it is in no way the main element to the story.

They bond. They form an amazing friendship, They test each other, they hurt one another. And when all's said and done, they love. I cannot do this book justice with this review. I could rave on forever, but I won't. I highly recommend this one guys! If you haven't one clicked yet, well, what are you waiting for?


Thursday, 13 February 2014

Review: Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

Archer's Voice (A Sign of Love)I've had trouble lately deciding what sorta book I want to read. I have moment's like this, not often, but when they come, oh boy. Sometimes, you need something that is the opposite of what you thought you needed. Am I making sense? Huh.

I will give every book a chance. If it catches my eye, I'll nab a sample and get a feel for it. Archer's Voice was a book that I didn't really want to read. Now, don't get me wrong, what I mean is that I didn't want to read it at that particular time. I thought I was ready for something steamy, fast paced, maybe even a little dark. Ah, but as you can see, that did not happen. I couldn't find anything that kept my attention. And then..this popped up.

I'd read the blurb quite a while ago, decided I would read it at some point since I loved Leo. With nothing else catching my eye, I thought why not give it a go? Worst case scenario, I put it down and read it later. Didn't happen. Nuh uh. I was hooked. I don't know what happened, but I stayed up until the early hours to finish this. It was addictive, quietly seductive. Here's the blurb:

"When Bree Prescott arrives in the sleepy, lakeside town of Pelion, Maine, she hopes against hope that this is the place where she will finally find the peace she so desperately seeks. On her first day there, her life collides with Archer Hale, an isolated man who holds a secret agony of his own. A man no one else sees. 

Archer's Voice is the story of a woman chained to the memory of one horrifying night and the man whose love is the key to her freedom. It is the story of a silent man who lives with an excruciating wound and the woman who helps him find his voice. It is the story of suffering, fate, and the transformative power of love."

Sounds great right? Lots of drama? Okay, so technically there is a dramatic background story. But for me, the main focus of this book? It was the forming and development of the bond between Archer and Bree. Both have their own demons to handle, and they do okay on their own, but together? Shit, they destroy them. It really is quite freaking amazing to read. You sort of forget everything. You hurt and you laugh, cry, it can be overwhelming at times, make no mistake. The sheer beauty of this book is that it refuses to let you go until the very last page, it teaches us to be thankful for all we have, and because it has a realistic feel to it, you connect with the characters from the very first page.

It's amazing. I could rave about this all day, really, I could. I won't though. The blurb does not cover it, reviews could not do it justice. A truly brilliant book that is beautifully written and will leave a mark on your heart.

5+++++ stars!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Review: Fighting Temptation by K.C. Lynn

I haven't posted in a week. Why? Because I forgot to click the little schedule post box. Yeah, silly.
So while I've gone crazy over Witches Of East End (how freakin' good is this?) Mr Blog hasn't posted anything. My bad. I told you I suck at this stuff.

Since I have no idea where my posts are right now, you get a review. A review of a book that confused me. Not in a bad way, not really. It just left me feeling really weird.

Remember when I said I hate giving low star reviews cause I feel bad? Yeah? Just checking.

Fighting Temptation (Men of Honor, #1)What was my problem? Okay, I'll start by saying this. The book was good. Honestly, it was. The plot wasn't super dramatic as such, the history between the two main characters was interesting to read about. And it had a HEA (you know they're the best!). But..I feel like it could have been more. Don't ask me how, cause I cannot tell you. I don't know myself. I do know it has the potential to be an amazing read. At times, it read a little robotic. A lot of I am not rather than I'm not involved, especially when two characters were interacting. Maybe it's just me who finds this sorta annoying? Huh.

Okay, this is where the good parts are, I swear!

Julia and Jaxson have a special bond that no one seems to understand. It began one night when Julia prayed for help, prayed for the first time since her mother died. And help came, in the form of the local bad boy, Jaxson. They're connected. It's sweet, maybe slightly predictable, but still, super sweet.

It's all good, but dum dum dum! Jaxson joins the Navy. That's right you perverted ladies! We have another SEAL! **waves pom-poms** ..and he is hot! Aren't they all? I lied..we have more than one SEAL in this baby. MmHm. We have three. :)

We reflect, and we move forward with this book. I wouldn't say it's the dramatic side to it that kept me reading on (yeah there is drama, but I don't feel as though that is the main focus here.) I would say it was Julia and Jaxson reconnecting. It was their constant battle with their emotions, how Jaxson refused the light and saw only darkness (if you read it, I'm talking about the uh..shit. Kitchen scene where he walks out? There, that didn't reveal anything! hehe). It's pain and beauty, light and dark.

As I said, there is potential for this. I really think it could be a huge success with a little tweaking! And nothing major, just a little less I am and a little more I'm. 

Overall rating is 3.5 stars.
I didn't love it. But I really enjoyed it. And did I mention it was a debut book? No? Oh, well not I have :) I think it's pretty darn good for a firstie!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Review: Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain #6) by Kristen Ashley

I haven't posted in a while. I know, I suck. You want to know what sucks more? The Flu.

Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain, #6)It's been too long, but I haven't read anything. Okay, that is a lie. Until today, I hadn't read anything. As you can see, I've got to know Jacob Decker. Hehe. Everyone knows I am a huge KA fan. I go all fan-girl when it comes to this lady. And I am proud!

I know there are no reviews for the Colorado Mountains series yet, and I really should post reviews in order, but I could not wait to tell you all about this! I tried, but Deck may very well be my new fave mountain man. MmHm. Totally is.

Not read any other books in the series yet? That's cool, these read pretty damn well as a stand alone. Of course, it's better if you read the first five, cause' you get a feel for the other characters and their stories, and you know how they work. It's great. But like I said, they totally work as stand alone's too.

So, what crazy ass story do we have to drool over today?

Jacob Decker and Emmanuelle Holmes haven't seen each other in nine long ass years. He was dating her best friend. Her best friend decided she wanted bigger, brighter things and got shot of Deck. Poor Deck. He's spent nine years in a constant state of confusion. I suppose you could say he..pined for Elsbeth.

When he stumbles upon Emme on the street, he doesn't recognise her. And our guy never forgets a face. Saying she's changed in a serious understatement. A case that brought him to Gnaw Bone gets personal. Oh yes, Emme is a suspect. Okay, so really, the police need to look into her cause' her current boyfriend is a total douche and he's connected to all the robberies that have been happening. Hey, they have to check her out! But Deck, oh boy, he does not like this shit. Nuh uh. No way. He clears her. Of course he does. He's Bad Ass.

Emme, sweet Emme, is all about rekindling their friendship. Deck, being an uber alpha, decides he's going for more. He he. There is no denying this man! When will they ever learn?

“Your girl?” I asked, my voice coming out in a near on squeak.
“Yeah,” he answered, his voice deep, low and firm. 
“This is, well…kinda weird.” Understatement! “And fast.” Extreme understatement!
“Met you twelve years ago and we’re just gettin’ here. I don’t call that fast. I call that a waste of fuckin’ time I’m about to rectify.”

The two dive head first into a passionate, sweet relationship. Until Emme fucks things up. Royally. Yup. She will do anything to pull away. The problem is, she doesn't even realise she's doing it until Deck tells her how it is and confronts her about it. Poor girl. Now, this isn't the..well..usual..KA girl in denial. Nope. It's something deeper.

Dark penetrates Emme's life. Something from her past constantly overshadows her, influencing her in a way she never thought possible. She's ignored it. She's done it for so long, it isn't even a conscious thing anymore. Deck wants this shit sorted. And he gets it done!

I refuse to give anymore info on the plot. It would ruin it. This is one you need to experience for yourself, cause I think it's so much deeper than the others. Another thing I adored about this one was the whole story behind the kaleidoscope. Now that? That was a beautiful thing. Truly, it had me teary eyed whenever the thing would come into a scene.

I was surprised, pleasantly so, with how attached I became to their story. I was there with them, every step of the way. It's not packed with crazy drama like the others, this one is more personal. It hits you in the gut, it makes you think. It touches you, marks you.

Will everyone have the same reaction? Of course not. Will it leave some sort of mark on each reader? I believe so. It is a beautifully written story, and one helluva way to continue the series. I don't think I can find any fault with this one. I know, I say this about all KA books. What can I say, she's amazing!

5++++ stars