Friday, 21 February 2014

Review: A Different Blue by Amy Harmon

So, I've been looking through Mr Kindle again, and found tons of books that I need to review. I say this all the time, but I am sorting this out today! It's been interesting, that's for sure. Some books, I remembered straight away, others..not so much.

A Different BlueThis one stuck with me. I read it almost a year ago, and I still get tingles just thinking about it. It isn't your usual romance. It's not even your usual teacher/student romance thing. Nope. It is so much more. It's powerful, it is written just right. I totally went all three bears there didn't I? He he. It's true though. I didn't get that weird feeling that I usually do when reading about teacher/student relationships. Why? Well, the whole background story. I was totally rooting for these two. Weird. That never happens until around 60% in. Oh, I was all for these guys right from the start.

Blue Echohawk has no clue who she is. She doesn't know who her parents are, where she was born, hell, she doesn't even know her real birthday. She was abandoned when she was 2, and a drifter raised her as his own. That sounds really odd doesn't it? I thought so too, but honestly, it's super sweet when you get into it.

She didn't begin school until she was ten, and now at nineteen, she's a senior in high school. Blue is..difficult. She's totally bad ass on the outside. How could she not be? She doesn't identify with anyone. Oh, but her shit is about to end. At least it is in school. For now. He he.

Enter Mr British teacher! MmHm. Now, I'm form the UK, so when I read about British teachers, I totally imagine them talking like I do. I've been told that some of you US guys read it all proper and posh. Whatever works. Sorry, random thought right there. Back to it!

Blue tests him. She isn't used to anyone giving a damn about her, anyone apart from the man who raised her that is.

I want to say, right now, that this really is not like anything I have read in this genre. It isn't all about Blue falling for her teachers and keeping everything a secret. Sure that plays into it, but it is in no way the main element to the story.

They bond. They form an amazing friendship, They test each other, they hurt one another. And when all's said and done, they love. I cannot do this book justice with this review. I could rave on forever, but I won't. I highly recommend this one guys! If you haven't one clicked yet, well, what are you waiting for?


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