Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Review: Fighting Temptation by K.C. Lynn

I haven't posted in a week. Why? Because I forgot to click the little schedule post box. Yeah, silly.
So while I've gone crazy over Witches Of East End (how freakin' good is this?) Mr Blog hasn't posted anything. My bad. I told you I suck at this stuff.

Since I have no idea where my posts are right now, you get a review. A review of a book that confused me. Not in a bad way, not really. It just left me feeling really weird.

Remember when I said I hate giving low star reviews cause I feel bad? Yeah? Just checking.

Fighting Temptation (Men of Honor, #1)What was my problem? Okay, I'll start by saying this. The book was good. Honestly, it was. The plot wasn't super dramatic as such, the history between the two main characters was interesting to read about. And it had a HEA (you know they're the best!). But..I feel like it could have been more. Don't ask me how, cause I cannot tell you. I don't know myself. I do know it has the potential to be an amazing read. At times, it read a little robotic. A lot of I am not rather than I'm not involved, especially when two characters were interacting. Maybe it's just me who finds this sorta annoying? Huh.

Okay, this is where the good parts are, I swear!

Julia and Jaxson have a special bond that no one seems to understand. It began one night when Julia prayed for help, prayed for the first time since her mother died. And help came, in the form of the local bad boy, Jaxson. They're connected. It's sweet, maybe slightly predictable, but still, super sweet.

It's all good, but dum dum dum! Jaxson joins the Navy. That's right you perverted ladies! We have another SEAL! **waves pom-poms** ..and he is hot! Aren't they all? I lied..we have more than one SEAL in this baby. MmHm. We have three. :)

We reflect, and we move forward with this book. I wouldn't say it's the dramatic side to it that kept me reading on (yeah there is drama, but I don't feel as though that is the main focus here.) I would say it was Julia and Jaxson reconnecting. It was their constant battle with their emotions, how Jaxson refused the light and saw only darkness (if you read it, I'm talking about the uh..shit. Kitchen scene where he walks out? There, that didn't reveal anything! hehe). It's pain and beauty, light and dark.

As I said, there is potential for this. I really think it could be a huge success with a little tweaking! And nothing major, just a little less I am and a little more I'm. 

Overall rating is 3.5 stars.
I didn't love it. But I really enjoyed it. And did I mention it was a debut book? No? Oh, well not I have :) I think it's pretty darn good for a firstie!

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