Wednesday, 26 March 2014

So here's the deal..

I've been wanting to do some sort of competition for a while. I just don't know what exactly. See, I'm assuming, thanks to twitter, that most of you guys are from the US, while lil ol' me lives in the not so sunny, not so great, cold as fuck UK. Really, it's cold. And rains constantly. But that's a story (moan?) for another day.

I want to do a competition. A give away. A free kindle book maybe? Gift card? I need to research this. But! What I want to know is, what do you want? Competition and prize wise. And come on guys, be reasonable. :)

So here is The Plan. You all need to tweet away, comment away, email away, you get the idea. I want to know you're ideas. I also want you to spread the word. Once I reach..

shall we say..

200 followers? Yup, seems like a good number. 200 followers on Twitter and I'll do a giveaway.

I'm excited to do this!

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