Sunday, 25 May 2014

Review: Changing Course by Aly Martinez

Hurrah! I'm really posting a review! **silly dances around the room** 

Changing Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #1)This is my most recent read and I'm excited to share this with you guys. I came across this whilst browsing the Kindle store. It was a recommendation based upon previous purchases, had some really good reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads alike, so I thought what the hell? It was cheap too, less that £2, so I wasn't gonna be super disappointed if it was, well, crap.

I met Sarah Kate Erickson when I was twenty-one years old. I was lucky enough to keep her for seven years before a tragic accident stole her from me. She didn’t die, but sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had. 

I lived in a haze for those four years after the accident. Catering to her every need, even though she hated the very sight of my face. I tried to hold on to her and the future that we were supposed to build together. But you can’t hold on to someone that doesn’t exist anymore. 

It wasn’t until I met Jesse Addison, a barista at the local coffee shop, that I realized I didn’t just lose Sarah that tragic night, I lost myself as well. Jesse taught me how to let go of the past and learn to love again. But what happens when your past haunts your present, and the woman you used to love refuses to accept the woman you can’t live without? 

Okilydokily. Down to the good stuff. What did I love? I loved how Brett was a generally nice guy. There is no other way to describe him. Okay, there totally is but we'll get to that later ;)

I actually admire him. Now don't get me wrong, there were times where I wanted to strangle him, maybe give his head a little bang against the wall, but overall, oh man. He's super sweet, maybe a little too eager to make everyone else happy at times, at least it seems that way until you really get to know him. I don't think I have read a book with a character like him.

The other characters? I have a serious love/hate relationship going on with them at the moment. I wanna explain why, but I'm afraid I might spoil it for you all. me. Read it and let me know what you all think of them. :)

Now, the book overall. It has the right balance between pretty much every emotion I could feel. That sounds silly, I know. It has angst, it has humor, it will make you squirm whilst reading those sexy scenes. It is perfect.

I wasn't expecting much, I hadn't read about this on any other blogs that I stalk (hee hee!) all previous information I had was from like, three Goodreads reviews and maybe one from Amazon. I truly thought that if it was so good, why hadn't I heard of it before. This is one of those awful habits of mine. I'm working on it. Some of the best books I have ever read are ones that nobody seemed to be talking about. It still shocks me each and every time though, I feel like I have found lost treasure!

Back to it. Overall, 5 stars. It has the potential to be more sure, but it's a beautifully written piece of perfection.

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