Sunday, 25 May 2014

So this happened

I wrote three weeks ago. Oh yes, three damn weeks ago. Why have I been away for so long? Oh where to begin. My best friend had a baby! I almost ran away with the gorgeous little munchkin, then remembered how badly I cope with crying babies. My new role? The totally awesome adoptive Auntie Jay (apparently this will be easier to learn than CJ, personally, I think my friend it just lazy), I'm the Auntie who encourages food fights (it's been known to happen). **Sighs**
What else? I moved. It's not interesting (to you) but to me? It's like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one. The downside, I left everything until the last minute. I'm talking moving day last minute. Seriously, everyone was packing everything into various cars and I'm stood in the middle of my old room just glaring at my clothes. They ended up crammed into boxes. Yup. And yes, they're still there.

I've had birthday parties, engagement parties, weddings, and just generally random as hell parties to attend. It's been crazy. And I have loved every damn second of it. But now, it's time to do something that I have missed! Review! I've read a fair few books recently, and I finally have the time to have a little rant about them. So,  my lovely readers, enjoy!

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