Thursday, 5 June 2014

Good morning guys and dolls. Today's post is really just a big ball of crap. There isn't a review. There isn't a recommendation or a freebie or anything like that. What I want to bitch about today is the whole Books to Movies thing that seems to have everyone in a bit of a tizzy.

The debate about whether books should be on the big screen has been going on forever. After Twilight, it seems everyone has gone crazy when their dreams of their favourite books becoming movies may just became real. I myself seem to sit on the fence with this. Sometimes, I get super excited about the movies, about seeing some of my favourite characters come to life. Others, not so much. Sometimes, it's just better to leave our imagination to it without putting a specific face to a name, you know?

Take The Hunger Games for example. I adore the books. I honestly love them. Did I imagine Katniss would look like Jennifer Lawrence? Hell no. What about everyone else? Not one person in the movie is how I imagined the characters to be. Was I bummed? Sure, but I still loved the movie. Personally, I think it was done just right. I'm sure many of you will disagree, and that's cool.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is another movie that I could not wait to see. Did I read the book? Some of it. At the time, it wasn't really my thing. The movie, I loved. I thought it was brilliant. Now, I'm almost scared to read the books because I know I'll be constantly comparing the two. Let's take Vampire Academy as another example. I read all the books a while ago, they are seriously some of the best books I have read. Love, love these! And then...they made a movie. Now it isn't out here in the UK, we're always last here, but I have read so many reviews. It seems a fair split between loving and hating it. This my friends, does NOT give me happy belly flutters. This gives me nervous, bad belly flutters. This could ruin things for me. Seem a tad too dramatic?  Dramatic is my middle name today.

It seems that recently though, so many, almost too many, books are in the process of being adapted into movies. This bugs me. Why? Like I said before, sometimes, it's better to leave our imagination to it. I'm sure when the time comes, I won't be able to stop myself from going to see them, I know, I'm a walking contradiction. Believe me, more than one person has told me this. It's just that, once I've seen the trailers and posters promoting them, I think what the hell? I already know who is playing who so why not see how it plays out. GAH! I stress myself out too much ha ha.

I think I will leave it at that today folks! I need to chill out, maybe with a little help from Magic Mike ;)

CJ x

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