Thursday, 5 June 2014

So here's the thing

It seems that I have made a major f##k up. That being I forgot to update the reviews page. **sighs**. This guy's, is the story of my life. Just when I think I'm on track..BANG! I realise I was totally wrong.

This is just a quick post to say, again, I will sort this ASAP. It's gonna take me a while, because I have reviews saved everywhere. My laptop,  my sissys laptop, mommas laptop, my phone.

Oh! Now for the good part. Email or comment with some recommendations,  why you love em, why everyone should read em. I'm also looking into doing a giveaway of some sort, but need to look into gifting from amazon US and the like. It will be my first ever giveaway too! So comment with what kindle books you would like too.

Now my lovelies, I bid you goodnight! Or goodmorning, good afternoon and everything inbetween , depending where you are.

CJ x

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