Thursday, 30 January 2014

Review: Work Me Down (Playing with Fire #3) by Tara Sivec

Worn Me Down (Playing with Fire, #3)I reviewed book 1 of the series, A Beautiful Lie, several days ago, and I swear, I was totally committed to reading book #2 right away. And then..well..I read the blurb for book #3. And I had to read it, right then. I know, I know, that's bad. But I couldn't help it. I could not get the damn thing out of my head, so I gave in.

Now,it is short. Ish. Okay, it's like 195 pages. Can we call that short? Huh. Okay.
Overall thoughts, it was a quick, sweet read. I enjoyed it. It stuck with me. Now, I hate saying this. It wasn't a 5 star read. Why? I was expecting something more. That really is all. I don't know what, but I was slightly disappointed at the end. It didn't have the punch that book one did. That said, I did enjoy it. If you wan't a little drama, a little sweetness and a lot of "get the fuck over it dude" moments, give this a shot.

So, what is this little bookaroo about?
Austin Conrad loves his job, but as a Navy SEAL, he's had to learn not to bring work home. Turn it off. Lose himself in women. Now you really can't blame him for this. Really, he's a SEAL, it's sorta expected. And that was a totally sexist, judgmental remark right there. Let me rephrase, it's totally expected in books. He he. His bets friend,Brady (yes that Brady) asks Austin to watch over his sister, Gwen. She's had some serous trouble form her ex, and now she wants nothing but a safe, secure life for herself and her daughter. She's always had her life controlled, be it by her parents or her ex. Freedom tastes sweet! When reminders of her past begin showing up mysteriously, Austin decided enough is enough. Hell, he's fallen for both Gwen and her girl, he needs to protect them...

And I'm leaving it there. There really isn't much more to it if I'm honest. Okay, so there's one big twist that I didn't see coming. Could it have gone further? I think so. I'm in two minds. It has the potential to be more, but maybe adding to it would ruin the sweetness of it. Huh. Either way, I loved it. I want a SEAL, like, right now.

So, Overall, it's a 4 star read!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Experiment In Terror series

As a follow up to yesterdays random review of Darkhouse by Karina Halle, I thought I would post the reading order list.

I also realised I  never gave a real introduction to the series, just the first book. Well, here that is anyway!

The series focuses on the lived of Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. The two are..well, ghost hunters. Okay, Dex is more of a camera man who shoots a variety of webisodes for a living and he may be pretty damn insistant that Perry has to help him by hosting a low budget series focusing on ghost hunters.

Now, as expected (yes we do expect a little somethin' **wiggles eyebrows**) Perry and Dex have a thing. By thing I mean a life filled with sexual tension. And Dex has a girlfriend. Who I think is a super bitch What can I say, I'm totally team Perry/Dex, even if they both piss me off.

Darkhouse (Experiment in Te...Darkhouse (EIT #1)
So, I reviewed this one the other day, but in a nutshell, this one focuses on introducing the two main characters rather than a big, crazy plot. It was nice to get a feel for the characters before diving into their adventures!

Red Fox (Experiment in Terr...Red Fox (EIT #2)
Remember the nice introductions in book 1? Well say goodbye to that! This is crazy. Perry and Dex travel to Red Fox, New Mexico to unravel the truths behind what they thought was your , shall we say usual, haunting's. Poor schmucks, they wouldn't have been more wrong. They thought it would be a nice easy trip to film their first episode. Nuh uh. It was quick paced, kept me on my toes and I admit, it may have scared me (just a little, I swear!). Oh, and there are more hot guys. What can I say, it seemed important that I add that!

The Benson (Experiment in T...The Benson (EIT #2.5)
Okay, so this one really creeped me out. It doesn't matter that it's short, it still has enough punch to keep you on your toes, looking in every dark corner to check that you're alone. Perry and Dex travel to The Benson, rumored to be the most haunted hotel in Portland. Are there really tormented souls walking the halls of The Benson? I'll let you find out. I will say this, even though it is short, it was amazing. Honestly, do not skip this!

Dead Sky Morning (Experimen...Dead Sky Morning (EIT #3)
This is the one that scared me the most. Alone on a creepy Island? Nuh uh. Experiment In Terror is finally receiving the recognition it deserves, so our favorite amateur ghost hunters travel to an Island that was home to a former leper colony, an island where forty souls were left to die and bury one another. Gross. Cruel. Blech. D'Arcy Island is now a campground. What could possibly happen now? Oh man, I did not see this coming. We're not looking at ghosts anymore guys, oh no, this is something else completely. The two are no longer fighting for their lives, they're fighting for their sanity and their friendship too. I have only one thought right now. I would love to be in a tent with Dex right now. Minus creepy Island of course. ;)

Lying Season (Experiment in...Lying Season (EIT #4)
Perry loves Dex. It's no secret that there is some serious as hell sexual tension between the two. In this installment we see Perry has to fight a spirit from Dex's past. Oh yeah, and spend a week with hi and his girlfriend. He he. I love this shit!

On Demon Wings (Experiment ...On Demon Wings (EIT #5)
Holy shit, this was intense! We don't see our favorite duo voluntarily search for supernatural happenings. Oh no, now the evil is at home. It's inside Perry, and only Dex can save her. MmHm. Despite all the drama within her family, she needs Dex. I totally sat teary eyed with this one. I love Perry. I have a big fat girl crush on her.

Old Blood (Experiment in Te...Old Blood (EIT #5.5)
Remember Creepy Clown Lady? Well she is back people! Woohoo! Is it weird that like her? Probably. I'm cool with that. Creepy Clown Lady, AKA Pippa, sent messages to Perry and Dex via EVP recordings. In this novella, we get to know the real Pippa, the one who's tortured past led to her death. What does this mean for Perry? Well, you'll have to go find out ;)

The Dex-Files (Experiment i...The Dex-Files (EIT 5.7)
Dex, oh how I love you. What is this you ask? A compilation novel told from Dex's POV? Oh yes! Do not read this if you have not read the previous books. It focuses on scenes from books 1-6, scenes that we primarily read from Perry's POV. It shines a whole new light on those. Want to get inside Dex's head? See what makes him tick? Click baby click!

Into the Hollow (Experiment...Into the Hollow (EIT #6)
Book 6 already? More Dex? Yes please! Perry says goodbye to home, and hello to Dex and his second chance. Hurrah! What happens when Urban Legend might be, well, true? Taking a trip to the Canadian Rockies doesn't seem so romantic right now. Nope. Perry must learn to trust Dex all over again when something so frightening leaves the two fighting for their lives. **sighs**. I really want Dex.

And With Madness Comes the ...And With Madness Comes the Light (EIT #6.5)
More from Dex's POV. **Happy dance** Hehe. Ever wonder what happened to Dex when Perry left? Now you don't have to! Time wise? It's set between the end on Lying Season (#4) and On Demon Wings (#5). I feel as though Dex deserves some super snuggles right now. Poor guy. 

Come Alive (Experiment in Terror, #7)Come Alive (EIT #7)
I'm re-reading this one right now in preparation for Ashes to Ashes being released in 5 days. FINALLY! Sometimes, living in the UK sucks, big time. We always get the goodies last. Oh well. Back to it. In Come Alive, Dex and Perry are finally giving the whole relationship thing a try. Hurrah! Hehe. BUT, Dex has to convince Perry that everything will work out, on more than one occasion. Poor guy, can't seem to get a break can he? Throw in a Voodoo Sect, Maximus and more Fat Rabbit, this one will keep you entertained until the very last page. Loved this!

What's next? Ashes to Ashes is already available in the US, for all you EIT fans in the UK, five days!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Review: Darkhouse (EIT #1) by Karina Halle

There's only on thing on the agenda for today: catch up on some old reviews.

I know, I really should have done them sooner. What can I say, I'm ridiculously easily distracted. All the reviews posted today are for books that I read quite a long time ago. Okay, so some aren't from that long ago. Oh, you know what I'm trying to say. Let's get down to business shall we?

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror, #1)Darkhouse was a freebie on Amazon when I first read it. From past experiences with freebies, I wasn't expecting it to be anything special if I'm honest. I'd never heard of the author before, never read any reviews on it, nothing. I wanted to mix things up a little with my reading, so thought a little paranormal would be perfect.

This book gave me one helluva book hangover. I couldn't put it down! Now, I feel as though I need to say this next part before I continue. I know there were some really negative reviews that tended to focus on the editing side of things. And yes, technically, what people said was right. In a way. What pissed me the hell off was how damn rude people were. A few spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, little things. Personally, I didn't think it had any negative effect on the book. Nothing serious. Sure, it didn't flow perfectly, and I had to re-read a few sentences here and there. But the book in general? Brilliant! So, if you can get over a few mistakes, great!

Okay, back to it.

Halle describes it as a pilot episode. She's right. In regards to the supernatural side? It's pretty simple. Being the first book in the series, she focused on the two main characters and the start of their friendship rather than all the creepy stuff. Pretty straight forward, but it works. It was a nice way to ease us into the world of Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. Damn, these two pissed me the hell off. Often. That said, I loved em enough to politely ignore their annoying behavior he he.

Perry is 22 and finding it difficult to figure out what she wants for life, normal right? Again, she's annoying at times (in a good way!) and easy to relate to in some way. Who can't relate to the whole "what do I want from life?" battle that everyone faces at some point? Add to that, she wants Dex. Oh, how I love this. There's a slight problem with that though..uh huh. You know it. Dex isn't single. Damn! 

Onto Dex. Can I just point out right here, that he is the fucking shit. You cannot help but love the guy. Weirdness and all, and trust me, the dude is seriously weird. He's a smartass, makes you laugh when you really do not want to (you want to stay mad damn it!) and he will leave you no choice but to simply accept the fact that he is under your skin and staying there. Period.

I already ranted about the spelling and shit above, so I won't repeat myself. I will say that it can feel as though the story is progressing slightly slower than you expect in some parts, but stick with it! The other books in the series just get better and better, I promise it will be worth it in the end!

Here's the blurb:
"Perry Palomino is not what you would call 'ordinary'. For one thing, there's her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there's the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbles across Dex Foray, an eccentric producer for an upcoming web-cast on ghost hunters. Even though the show's budget is non-existent and Dex himself is a maddening enigma, Perry is instantly drawn into a world that both threatens her life and seduces her with a sense of importance. Her uncle's haunted lighthouse provides the perfect catalyst and back-drop for a horrific mystery that unravels the threads of Perry's fragile sanity and causes her to fall for a man, who, like the most dangerous of ghosts, may not be all that he seems."

My overall rating is a solid 4.5 stars! And yes, it's mainly due to my big, fat, weird love for Dex. 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Review: A Beautiful Lie (#1) by Tara Sivec

It's been four days since I last posted! I know, shame on me! I had nothing new to review. I wasn't in the mood to have any quick re-reads so I could review those. I was..stuck. Ask Amy, she witnessed my problem on Twitter!

A Beautiful Lie (Playing with Fire, #1)BUT! I FINALLY found something! And it's something I started to read quite a while ago. I never finished it. I suppose at the time, I wasn't ready for what I thought was going to be a major love triangle. See, the blurb? It says:

"He saw her first, but his friend made the move.

She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.

They love, they crave, they lie.

Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other's joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.

When one of the friend's life is tragically cut short, it's up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth - no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.

Everyone has secrets - some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.

What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?"

What's so bad about this, you ask? For one, this is why I didn't finish the book the first time around. Second, It's so wrong! Okay, so technically, everything stated in it is true. BUT! It doesn't some pretty freakin' important parts. Like, Oh I don't know, How the guys are Bad Ass Navy SEALs!!! Oh, and how Parker's a Bad Ass CIA Special Ops chick!!! Now do you see why I'm pissed? I was so damn wrong about it! It's even better that I imagined.


So, we know something super bad happens, and the three become two. But how did it all begin?

Garrett and Milo have been best friends since they were nine years old. They do everything together. Annabelle Parker has no one. Her mother dies, and her father hates the sight of her. **poor girl** 
A chance meeting changes everything. Garrett and Parker had a connection from the very beginning, but because of her past, Parker refuses to love anyone so much that it consumes her. So she stays with  Milo. He's safe.

When he passes, Parker and Garret need to find out if it really was an accident. Secrets they held from one another will be revealed, and their friendship will be tested.

**Sighs** It was intense, that's for sure.

The twists in this, they were awesome! You sorta think you might know what is about to happen, and you're sorta right. As in, maybe like, 10% right.

I really don't want to reveal too much, because this one is the type that you need to go into without much information. Trust me on this one.

A solid 4.5 stars. The writing was great, it flowed nicely and the story line in general was pretty damn amazing! The author definitely ticked all the right boxes and raised the bar for other books in this genre!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Review: Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters.

Okay, remember when I wrote about Mr Blogger not working, not publishing my reviews? And do you remember how mad at myself I was because I lost tons of reviews? Yeah?

This is one of the books I reviewed. And no, I didn't back up the reviews. Yes, this is why the following reviews are only just going up. And yes, I have learnt my lesson kinda. 

Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark, #1)Tears of Tess has some mixed reviews. They seen to lean towards either the 2 Stars or the 4 Stars. Huh. Guess nobody thought it was okay then? Either totally shit or totally amazing? Well that's awkward...

The first thing any seem to comment on is how dark it is/isn't. This pissed me off! See, everyone has different opinions and we all have the right to express them. As long as they aren't making anyone else's seem any less important. What seemed like a mild read to some was dark as hell for me. It all depends on how often we're exposed to this sorta stuff I suppose. Now, did I love it? Fuck yeah! How dark was it in my opinion? One of the darkest I had read, but ya'll know me. I don't read super hard dark stuff. Yet. Hehe.

It was, as a whole, a beautifully written story. It was intense, and I was so confused (in a good way!) for most of the book. By confused, I mean I wanted to hate Q, but I couldn't. Oh yes, another love/hate thing going on right here.

It all starts when Tess Snow takes a trip to Mexico with her boyfriend, Brax, to celebrate their two year anniversary. Life was good. She was in love, content. Happy

And then she was stolen and sold. Now, the shit she goes through before being sold? That was one of the worst parts for me.I mean the most sad to read. Oh, you know what I mean!
BUT! Tess blossoms. Gone is the scared girl, here is strong, fierce warrior Tess who is determined that she may be cracked, but she sure as fuck isn't broken! ^^total happy dance moment when she comes to this decision!**

Her new master is odd. He has secrets, just not the ones you would expect. He's used to receiving broken women. He sure as hell doesn't expect Warrior Tess. Totally just gave her a new name right there. Oops. Back to it! Q tells Tess exactly how it's gonna go..

“My role as your master is to debase you to the point of having no feelings, no emotions, no hopes or dreams”

Tess refuses to believe anything anyone tells her. She's positive her Master is a monster. Turns out, there are worse things lurking outside her new prison than inside. Of course, shes saved! And then..a whole new light is shone on her current life.

“Q was no longer the devil.He was my master and I belonged to him.” 

 Everything Tess thought she knew, turns out to be, well, wrong. Okay, so Q's totally screwed, and wants to hurt her. Bad. But! He isn't really the monster she first thought. can't be said that he isn't maybe just a little bit monster. MmHm. I refuse o say more on the subject! Because it would spoil it. And really, you need to read this for yourself to get the real feel of it. Reviews do not do this justice!

Strong writing, extremely emotional in some places, and again, it isn't for everyone. But I strongly recommend this :)

5 stars!

Monday, 20 January 2014

TBR January-July 2014

I have way to many to count right now. These are January-July to-reads. The Must Read ASAP! ones I thought I'd post this as a side page because..well..I need to remind myself half of the time. That's bad, right? Yeah, it is. It's also like a look out for these reviews, coming 2014! page.  win-win!

Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young - So, it's currently on Mr Kindle, yelling at me to read now, dammit! I loved the first books! I seriously hope this is just as good, no, better!

Kaleidoscope by Kristen Ashley - The 6th book of the Colorado Mountain series, I am bursting with excitement for this baby! Give. Me. The. Alpha. Now!!!! Hehe

Deceiving Lies by Molly McAdams - Loved the first, and it looks like Rach and Kash won't be getting their HEA just yet either! Gimme! 

My Sweetest Escape by Chelsea M. Cameron - Since when did we have an upcoming second book? How did I not know this until recently? Clearly, I live under a rock. A pink glittery rock, sure, but a still a rock.

Destroyed by Pepper Winters - So, I haven't actually read the blurb. I just saw the author, and put it right on here.

Breakable by Tammara Webber - More Lucas? Oh yes please!

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Black Box by Cassia Leo

Hexed by Michelle Krys

Come to Me Quietly by A. L. Jackson

Unbeloved by Madeline Sheehan - U have a seriously whacked love/hate relationship with the first three books. They drove me crazy. Totally worth it! Super excited for this one!

Front & Center A. M. Madden - Rock Star Alert!! 

Song of the Fireflies by J. A. Redmerski

Party Girl by Rachel Hollis

Ravage Me by Ryan Michele

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Saturday Savers

So, yesterdays post was all about the freebies. Today's? Well, they're not freebies, but they're deals. Just as good if you ask me :)
Like before, there are twp lists. And, again, prices can change, so check before you click!

Amazon UK

Sometimes Never by Cheryl McIntyre - I fell in love with this one. And it's only 75p!! "Regardless of their painful pasts, Hope and Mason discover that sometimes never can become forever" **sighs** Awesomeness right here. 

Bully by Penelope Douglas - They used to be friends, until something changed Jared, and all he wanted to do was destroy Tate. She's had enough, it's time for this chick to fight back. MmHm. Karma people! HEA too. Yay! And another bargain at 75p! I really can't believe this. **happy dance**. I read it a while ago and could not put it down. Highly recommended. 

Beck (Corps Security #3) by Harper Sloan - I read the first book, Axel, and thought it was great. I haven't read any more in the series yet, but this looks just as good! Dee never lets anyone see the real her, and when Beck walks into her life, she tries to run. But he won't let her. I see good things for this baby! And yes, I one-clicked. Hey, it's only 77p! It would be sorta rude not to ;)

Axel (Corps Security #1) by Harper Sloan - So I found this after book 3. And guess what? It's 49p! And it is fantastic! I love the guy. I want him. Axel knows Isabelle. And she needs protection. Like, now. He's just angry, but can he let go of his anger and hate to protect her? Hehe. You know what's gonna happen here? ;)

The Seaside series by Rachen Van Dyken - I've wanted to read these for a while, well now I have no excuses not to. All four books for just 75p. It's like the book Godesses have heard my calls for some to be just a little cheaper so I can buy and devour them. Thank you! Hehe. Anybody looking for a new Rock Star Boyfriend? Well, here ya go!

Tangled boxed set - Various Authors - Billionaire's, Bad Boy's and Royalty included! Oh. My. God. I'm in heaven. And the best part? TWELVE, yes I said TWELVE books for only 77p. I one-clicked like a crazy lady just now. And squeed like a fangirl. What am I turning into? Hehe

Big Box of Erotica - Various Authors - It really is my lucky day. And yours too. Ten steamy, sexy books for just 74p. I'm looking forward to getting to know these guys ;)

Night Owl by M. Pierce - Another that I keep meaning to read. Only 77p too. Looks so damn good. Shit, I have too many fighting to be at the top of my TBR list now. Awesome reviews for this little beauty. They meet online. One has the perfect life, the other? Not so much. Dum dum duuum. Click!

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters - HOLY SHIT!! I fucking love this book! And it's a super bargain at only 49p. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Click damn you, CLICK! It's dark as hell, and it will test you, it will push way past your boundaries. It will inavde your every thought, it will tease you until you think you can't take anymore, and still keep right on going. Amazing guys!

Amazon US

The Alexanders Boxed Set by M. Malone - Amy found this one after  I posted the first as a freebie yesterday! Three books for $1.27! Can't go wrong with this deal now can you?

Out of Line by Jen McLaughlin - Marine/Surfer guy? Erm, yes! He's sent to spy on the bosses daughter. She doesn't want to be anything but free. What happens when sparks fly and there's more at risk than you first thought? Damn , I love this. Only 81¢!

Bully by Penelope Douglas - Only $1.24!

The Seaside series by Rachel Van Dyken - four books for only $1.23! These have been on my TBR list for too long. I have no excuses really. Look great! Rock Stars anyone?

Heaven and Hell by Kristen Ashley - :) This was brilliant! She was in a bad relationship. And then boom! One gunshot changes her life. Oh, and so does a celebrity ;) Don't fight it girl, there really is no point! Only $1.24 too! You have no excuses guys!

Play it Safe by Kristen Ashley - This is one of my fave stand alone books from KA Ivey has always played it safe, no relationships or friendships, no attachments. Until she hits Mustang, Colorado. And what hot alpha macho man lives there? Why it's Grayson Cody. They are meant to be. And then they get separated for years! Dum, Dum, DUM! $1.24 again!

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia - This broke me. I was one helluva mess. Livia is pure goodness. Smiles at everyone. One day, she just has to intervene and help a homeless man. It is just beautiful. 
"In an interwoven tale of unlikely loves and relationships forged by fire, Debra Anastasia takes readers into the darkest corners of human existence, only to show them the radiant power of pure adoration and true sacrifice. Complicated families and confused souls find their way to light in this novel, which manages to be racy, profane, funny, and reverent all at once." Only $1.27!

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters - 81 cents. GO, GO, GO!!

Playing For Keeps by R. L. Mathewson - This is freakin' hilarious! So damn good! Haley's had enough of her inconsiderate neighbor, so on go the big girl panties! And a seriously weird friendship is formed! Good weird, don't worry. only..$1.02. Oh! And the second in the series is the same price too :)

Frenemies by C. C. Wood - This looks gun! Yay! What do you do when your arch nemesis lives next door to your friend (whose house you're looking after)? **Please be nice and cheap on Amazon UK** Hehe

If you guys find anymore, comment below or tweet em' and I'll add em' :)

Friday, 17 January 2014

So it's the weekend...

It's Friday, and I figured, why not make the weekend a little better by listing some freebies that look good? If you're anything like me, and always seem to be well, uncertain, about how good a book can be if it's free, fear not! I've checked out the reviews, and there are some pretty damn good ones! And, if you don't like em', what the hell? They're FREE. So it's okay. :)

Now, I'm in the UK, and a lot of the blogs that I look at only list US freebies. Well fuck that. Below are lists for both. 



  • Beyond by Maureen A. Miller - This looks good guys! What would you do if you was kidnapped, only to find that "A group of humans forced to flee their planet after an epidemic destroyed their civilization now travel the galaxies in search of an antidote. Retrieving samples of plant life from every solar system, on this occasion Aimee was accidentally seized instead" And, how do you stop the weird scientist dude from disecting you? Hehe. Yeah, I One-Clicked. 

  • Rebellious Flirt by Jillian Holmes - "When billionaire Deacon meets young Lana, he’s surprised by her beauty and charmed by her personality. But what should have been a one-night stand quickly turns into more as he finds he can’t stay away from her." Okay, so that was brief, but it's worth a shot. 

  • Saving Forever (part 1) by Lexi Timms - "Charity Thompson wants to save the world, one hospital at a time. Instead of finishing med school to become a doctor, she chooses a different path and raises money for hospitals – new wings, equipment, whatever they need. Except there is one hospital she would be happy to never set foot in again--her fathers. So of course he hires her to create a gala for his sixty-fifth birthday. Charity can’t say no. Now she is working in the one place she doesn’t want to be. Except she’s attracted to Dr. Elijah Bennet, the handsome playboy chief. 

Will she ever prove to her father that’s she’s more than a med school dropout? Or will her attraction to Elijah keep her from repairing the one thing she desperately wants to fix? " Oooh, Daddy issues. Clicked it!

  • In Search of a Love Story by Rachel Schurig - This looks super sweet. A girl looking for true love (when she is not romantic at all), two male friends encouraging her, one of which isn't well, happy, when she thinks she has found it. Love triangle maybe? Yay!

  • Wicked Games by Jessica Clare -So, this looks fun! One survival game show. One girl who enters because she was made an offer she cannot refuse. One super arrogant jerk. Oh yes, the two get paired up! Now they have to survuve the game and working together without killing each other. Or falling for each other. 

  • Mischief in Miami by Nicole Williams - I have this and I fucking love it! Short story, but really good! She seduces married men for a living, so their wives can use the infidelity clause if a divorce crops up. Fun!

  • Offside by Juliana Stone - Another great read. I cannot believe it's free! "When hockey phenom Billie-Jo Barker returns home and decides to play in the local Friday night hockey league, all hell breaks loose. Not because Billie's talent is in question, but because Billie is a woman. And though these are modern times, some of the local guys still have a problem letting a girl into their 'men's club.'

Soon, Billie is at the center of a small town battle of the sexes, with everyone choosing sides. Her sisters. The townsfolk. Her friends. And yet, the only person whose opinion she cares about doesn't seem to care much at all. Logan Forest, the man who broke her heart when she was eighteen and the man she now shares the bench with every Friday night."

First Ink (Wicked Ink Chronicles)
  • Shattered Promises by Jessica Sorensen - "(A re-imagining of my young adult book, The Fallen Star, told as a New Adult Paranormal. You can download the young adult version, The Fallen Star, for free on Amazon.)" So I actually read the YA books, and those were freakin' awesome. I need to read this! I hope its steamy. Hehe

  • First Ink by Laura Wright - The cover did it for me. It is how. Look at it, it's just hands I know, but there are tattoos people!
I think I may have a problem. So! "Rush 
Women in his bed, celebs and rockers in his chair and a killer bank account at his disposal, life is pretty freaking swell. Then she walks back into it again. With her mismatched eyes, perfect pink mouth and a laugh that still haunts him, she gave him nothing but marvelous misery. Now she wants his hands on her again. Not for pleasure, but for pain. For Ink. A bleeding heart to match the one she left him with five years ago. 

She can’t forget him. No matter how hard she’s tried. The pain she caused him in the past eats at her daily, and she can’t move on with her life. But she has a plan, a hope for redemption – a way for him to take his revenge out on her flesh. But it’ll only work if he lets her inside his exclusive world, under his famous artist’s needle and into his bed—and heart-once again."

  • Selling Scarlett by Ella James - This is STILL free. It is amazing! She sells her virginity to her..well..I'd say enemy, but he's also her crush. It's really good. If you don't click any of these, you need to give this one a shot. 


  • A Beautiful Struggle by Lilliana Anderson - She doesn't want a relationship. Katrina's happy spending her time between college and her best friend (and womanizer) David. He doesn't want to see her get hurt, again. In comes Elliot. Love triangle? I'd say so! Looks good!

  • This Beautiful Thing by Amanda Heath - Read this a while ago, it's kinda sweet. "Teagan Harper doesn't have much experience with guys. Her twin brothers have made sure of that. Until one night at a college party she gives them the slip, finding herself in the arms of the most amazing guy she has ever met. Now she's on a mission to find him since she ran from his bed. And forgot to ask his name... 

  • Declan Sage has had control over his entire life. But that is all about to change when the girl who ran out of his bed turns his life upside down. She is about to throw that control out the window. But he’s pretty sure that’s a good thing seeing as she stole his heart..."

  • Ember X by Jessica Sorensen - Can you imagine what it would be like, knowing how someone will die, just from one touch? This looks great. I think I need to check out Amazon UK right now...

  • Just Breathe by Heather Allen - Dumped by her boyfriend, Ever thinks it is the end of the world.  "Ever meets Jack, a mysterious new boy with mesmerizing eyes. He affects her like no one else. This meeting sets things into a whirlwind she never would have dreamed. With Jack's guidance she discovers a family line that leads her to the sea. She must make the ultimate choice, stay on land where life as she knows it, won't change, or go and live in the sea as a mermaid with Jack." Sounds interesting!

  • Teasing Trent by M. Malone - He has to look after his best friends twin sister while he's away. Like you don't know shit is about to go down when you read that once little sentence! Oh, what will the brother do? I have a feeling this is gonna be really funny. 70 five star reviews AND 49 4star reviews. Damn, it must be pretty damn fantastic!

And there you have it! It's short, yes. I know. But it's something! And please remember, the books above were free when I posted this. They can change. Now, time to write the sale list. I know, I'm feeling generous today. My bank account is so screwed. 

Top Ten Books of 2013

2013 was an amazing reading year for me. I was dragged out of my comfort zone, and I was totally okay with that. It had to happen sooner or later, right?

So, you know me. And you know that I like to well, erm, cheat a little. As in, if there's a series and I love em all, I class it as one book. Well I'm going to be really good and not do that right now. Nuh uh. For once, I'm going to be smart and responsible and make myself really think about this.

...**Thinking hard**...


There are a ton of others that I could put on here, but I know that's just cause' I like to be nice and want every book I've loved the past year to be here. Well I've put on my big girl panties and I'm ready to get down to business! Do I get a sticker for this? A fruit lolly? Not even a pat on the back? No? Damn. That's harsh.

I could not order them. The fact that they're on the list say's it all. My advice? Don't even bother with the blurbs! If you're okay with diving head first into a book without knowing anything about it, great! Do it! I swear, it will make these extra special!

Me Before YouMe Before You by JoJo Moyles. 
I sobbed like a lunatic whilst reading this. It's not a love story. It's about life. About what you do with it, and how you deal when everything you have ever known changes in the blink of an eye. It's intense. It will gut you. At the end, I was crying a mixture of happy and sad tears. It is such a beautiful story. The characters are realistic, and even though the core subject matter may be difficult for some readers, I cannot begin to express how rewarding this book was. It's strange. It's heartbreaking, without a doubt, but at the end, I felt..peaceful? I don't think I can do this justice, at all I don't want to try. Just writing this little paragraph is bringing back all the emotions I felt whilst reading.

Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark, #1)Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters. 
This is dark guys. I went in head first, no idea what I was getting myself into. I was..scared? I didn't want to continue, but I just could not bring myself to put it down and take a breather. You want to hate Q, but you just can't/ Because you know, you feel it, that not everything is as it seems. Hell, it's written in the book. But even before that? It's a gut feeling. It was powerful, unapologetic, and it drags you down until your begging for something, anything positive. Damn, intense does not even begin to cover this. It has a hard core subject. It tests you, but it really is worth sticking with.

Don't Make Me BeautifulDon't Make Me Beautiful by Elle Casey. 
This was simply amazing. I've read a fair amount of books that hint at abuse within relationships. But nothing quite like this. Again, I wasn't really sure what to expect. I sorta knew. As in, I knew the basics. I knew Nicole didn't look human anymore. It says that right there in the blurb. I knew she was scared that The Beast was never going to let her go. I just didn't know how intense it would be. This is one story that really stuck to me. It touched my heart. I know, that sounds cheesy right? Yeah, cheesy but true! I cried a little, and those rare happy moments? Damn, I felt as though I was glowing with pure ecstasy. It is beautiful. There is no other way to describe this. And I feel as though no review could do it justice, so I'm not gonna try just yet.

The Sea of Tranquility The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay.
As far as stand alone books go, this one is without a doubt one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It shook me up. It progresses slowly, the writing is damn near perfection. I was completely, utterly unprepared to feel so much. That said, there was never a time where I had a mixture of emotions all fighting for the spotlight. Just that, when they hit you, they hit hard. It was sweet yet left you with a gut feeling. That's the best way I can describe it. You knew something big was going to happen, or had already happened. You didn't know when it would all come out. You just read about a beautiful friendship forming between two..broken..people who find peace from each other.

Troubles and Treats (Chocolate Lovers, #3)
Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec.
So, I very nearly peed myself laughing whilst reading the first two books of this series. This one? I'm pretty sure I did. I laughed and laughed hard. And let me just say, DO NOT read this when everyone is asleep. You WILL wake everyone up. And they will not be happy. Trust me, I know. I was super excited to read Drew and Jenny's story. And I think I loved theirs more than Claire and Carter's. MmHm. I did. All I have to say is..Sex Swing. Just those two words are enough to crack me up all over again right now. If you haven't read this series yet, what on earth are you thinking?!?! AMAZING!!

Walking Disaster (Beautiful, #2)Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire.
You knew this HAD to be on here, right? Of course you did. After reading BD, I cannot begin to explain how damn happy I was that we were getting something from Travs POV. I did a seriously funky happy dance. And when Mr Kindle displayed it? I may have done a little scream/happy wiggle. I totally did that. See, although BD will always be my favorite of the two, this was just as good. Truly. It was. It's just that nothing can compare to the feelings that the first provoked. It was intense. Those extra scenes too? Magic. I've always wondered what went through Travs head. Well, now I know!

Acheron (Dark-Hunter, #14)Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
**Sighs** This stuck with me. HUGE. I haven't read every book in the series, but the ones that I did, I knew that I had to read this one. I needed to know about Acheron. I needed his story. It broke my heart. I swear, I never thought I could possibly feel the way I did. He looks after everyone, so I was all Acheron getting some lovin'. The guy deserved it! It's long. As in, 728 pages long. You know that means? Detail. And detail means one serious as shit, amazing story. Even without the length, any story about an 11 thousand year old God cursed into a human body, brought back to defend human kind, has got to be freakin' great! Oh, and this was more than that. Way, way more! Fantastic! I think I need to re-read this, like, right now.

Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades, #3)Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James.
My very first serious erotica book. And what a way to introduce myself to a new genre. I was constantly blushing, hiding behind my fingers whilst reading, like it would somehow make things a little easier. I'm such a weirdo. I know there have been tons of positive and negative reviews alike, but I really did love this. The first two were great, but this one was by far the best. Fifty and Ana got their happily ever after. Just as intense as the previous two, but that ending adds something a little extra special to it. If you haven't read erotica before, and want to dive in at the deep(ish) end, I'd go for this. Oh! And did I mention that both my momma and momma in law to be asked me about this? Yeah. True story guys. I thought they wanted to know what it was about, but oh no! They wanted to know what I thought about it because they had already read it! Thank goodness they don't know about the film. Yet. I can see it now, both of them asking me out on a girls day out to eat some seriously good burgers and then to see the film. I think I'll turn that offer down funnily enough. Reading/watching sexy films/books with my girlfriends is one thing. It is not something I wanna do with my two mommas. Ever. Hehe.

Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick, #8)Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley.
The perfect end to one my my favorite series EVER! I loved this shit. I ate it up. I sat in my little reading corner and I read non. Stop. MmHm. I was hooked. It was like crack. See, Ally is a dark horse. She's all for discussing other peoples drama, but not her own. And you know it's gonna be good as soon as you see Ren is involved. Oh yes. Sign me up! Now, you all know book 5 is the best in the series, for me!, but this one, it deserves to be on this list because it was the end of an era. It was the perfect way to say goodbye (for now!) to the Rock Chicks and Hot Bunch Guys. **sighs** I'm still waiting for my Hot Bunch Guy. ;)

Painted Faces

Painted Faces by L. H. Cosway.
This book is just...fucking beautiful. I know I say this a lot, but I really, truly, honest to God, have never in my whole life read anything like this. Nuh uh. And that is why this book is so special. I feel as though it needs a shrine or something. A shrine surrounded by wigs and stockings and sequins. Someone make this happen! Hehe. I love strong women, I love Drag Queens. I love hot guys. I love mixed emotions and misunderstandings, nosy friends and the whole "Fuck my fucking life" sorta thing. And this has it all. I tell you no lies! I swear! I really want to go on and on like a blabbering..well..fangirl..but I won't. Read this. Don't think about it. Just fucking do it. NOW! 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Review: Vendetta by Autumn Karr

You know you've hit the jackpot when you're completely hooked after the first five or so pages. You know it's going to be one to remember when you sit doing a happy wiggle. Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit this. I broke out in a happy wiggle quite often.

Hehe :)

After reading the blurb, I thought I'd give it a go. What did I have to lose? The blurb was pretty damn evasive, you know? We know it's about a guy and the girl he love maybe shoots him. And that's it. Clever! Straight away I needed to know their story.

I thought it would be a slow build up. I thought it would take me a reasonable amount of time to get to the juicy part. Oh no. Screw that. It drags you in from the very first page, teasing and tormenting until you're sat there all bug eyed. Maybe that's just me. I do the whole bug eyed thing really well now hehe.

VendettaAnd it continues that way. It's all laid out from the start, she has to die. There is no other option. And yet..he wants her. She invades his mind, there is no break from her. She's always there. It's intense. You know why Devon wants Leighton dead. He doesn't hide it. At first, I don't think he's even ashamed to admit it, not really.

At one point, I thought it was going to be a modern Romeo and Juliet type of thing. And for most of it, it is. Until you get to the end. It's those last few pages where everything becomes so damn clear, you want to slap yourself silly for not coming to this conclusion sooner. You sit all the way through so sure that you have it figured out, that you know how it's going to end and BAM! You're so. fucking. wrong.


I wanted to dislike Devon. I really did. Even when we finally get down to the nitty gritty of his feelings, I still wanted to hate the guy. Come on, he was all up for killing the girl he loves. Who does that? Do you see my problem? Yes? No? That's okay. I confuse myself too.

The ending, that screwed with my mind. I was like, no freakin' way! Those last three, teeny last sentences. Damn. Do they or don't they? I suppose that's the beauty of this book as well. It is a stand alone, no cliffhanger as such. But the way it ended, it's like their fate is left totally up to the reader. I loved that. There may as well have been a side note saying: please feel free to daydream about their future, it's okay, the naughtier the better". 

So, on a more serious note. I shall try and refrain from rambling now. Note  I said try. 
The writing was great. The story was fantastic, some of the twists left me shocked as shit. It's from both characters POV's too, so we get that little extra sweetness. Overall, 4.5!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Say goodbye to your comfort zone..

It seems that 2013 was a big year for Taboo reads. Am I right? After Fifty, it's like a part of our brains that was all quiet and happy sat there patiently was activated and BOOM! Show me where those naughty books are!

It was crazy as shit, that's for sure. I love some erotica, who doesn't? But what I adore are those books that come out, somewhat unexpected, and they are truly amazing. Those books that push us, take us way the fuck out of our comfort zones and encourage us to delve deeper into the dark side. Hehe. Awesome. 

The books below are a little here and there. I mean, there is no set theme, apart from they took me out of my comfort zone. Like, really out of it. They were read at completely different times, it wasn't a one after the other sorta thing. I read these when I needed something new, fresh even. I needed to shake things up a little, and these worked! And because of that, I think they will always be pretty much my best "comfort zone tester"books. Understand? Sort of? That's okay, I confuse myself most of the time. Just nod your head and pretend, I'm cool with that hehe.

Finding Home - Lauren Baker, Bonnie Dee.

Finding HomeLauren wants to develop her career in journalism. What better way to do it that do an expose on what it's like to live on the streets...when you're a kid?
When she meets Mouth, she declares him the perfect candidate. What she didn't expect, was to fall for the guy. After she bloody and beaten, she invites him into her home...and eventually her bed. The problems? There is a six year age gap..and he's only seventeen. Furthermore, he's a prostitute and she soon begins to feel as though she is taking advantage of him.
It's definitely an emotional read. Not cry-sniffle-oh-god-no sorta read, but it definitely effected me. Being the first book I had ever read that exposed me to a male prostitute, as well as the young age thing, I was not sure how to feel at first. Yeah, it is a serious as hell subject matter. There is no mistaking that, at all, but it's powerful in the sense that we get to see a man, and he is a man regardless of his age (read it and you will get it) mature and find peace within himself and the world around him.

Easy by Tammara Webber

EasyI can't quite remember how I came across this book. I know I read it a while ago, and re-read it quite recently to refresh my memory so I could write a review. It's not as intense as some books, but it does focus on a subject that many authors seems to..well..walk on egg shells around. It's written about plenty, sure, but never like this. BRILLIANT BOOK! Had to get that in there. Okay! Jacqueline is alone. She broke up with her boyfriend, suddenly gets snubbed buy her ex friends, and is failing classes. She shouldn't be at the state University. She should be studying music like she wanted. Instead she followed her now ex boyfriend. Leaving a party alone one night, she is assaulted by one of her ex's frat brothers, and now she just wants to forget it ever happened. Problem? Lucas, the sex god who saved her, thinks otherwise, and her new friends think he is the perfect guy for a rebound. When the attacker turns stalker, Jacqueline has to prepare herself. Either let him win or fight back. Lucas has her back, but he is keeping secrets of his own.
One big fat emotional rollercoaster is what this book is! Too many feelings..though this is not a bad thing! It was crazy. I read it in one sitting. That's how much I enjoyed it.

Sempre by J.M. Darhower

Sempre (Forever, #1)Haven and Carmine are polar opposites, that is, their upbringings counldn't possibly be any more different. Born and raised a slave, Haven only knows one thing. How to obey, and remain obedient even when it does no good against brutal abuse. Carmine, born into a wealthy mafia family, has never had to answer for anything he has done. He lives the privileged life. Both seventeen, a mix of events end in them meeting, and living together. Although on the surface both seem to be opposites, soon they both learn that they have more in common that anyone originally thought.
I cried. Not gonna lie, I cried like a baby. I hurt, I laughed, I cried, I hurt some more then finally, finally I reached the ending and smiled. True story right there folks. For once, I needed to get to the end so I could finish it, process it, and recover. Why do I put myself through this again? Cause' it's totally fuckin' worth it in the end.

Comfort Food by Kitty Thomas

Comfort FoodI have no idea how to feel about this book. I enjoyed reading it, weirdly (you'll see why soon), but after I felt..weird. Like, should I really enjoy reading this sort of stuff? Then I thought..well, they were both happy in the end, so it's not so bad. I'm on the fence right now. Still. Months later, and I'm still a mess over it. Gah!
Emily is now a slave. Having been taken captive, she is cut off from the one thing she craves most. Human contact. Her captor refuses to speak to her, yet she cannot fathom how a man so beautiful can be a monster. Her world is turned upside down when pleasure and pain become confused, when chicken soup becomes punishment and whips give her pleasure. Make no mistake, this story is not for the faint hearted! It is not a book about consensual BDSM, We are given the opportunity to delve deeper into the human mind here, seeing what master and slave are in this gritty, heartbreaking story.

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark, #1)
Simple amazing.  I was a wreck reading this. I didn't know what to think. I was constantly guessing the ending. I needed to know Q was a good guy. And if he wasn't? I needed to know Tess made it through, that she survived. That she found peace and went on with her life. Tess is taken captive, sold, and sent to live with her new Master. Unlike the other girls who she spent the first part of her journey with, she was not broken. She refused to give in, to stop fighting. I admired her strength. I have never, not once, wanted something so strongly for a character. She is thrown into a whole new world, and gains a new outlook on life in the process. The one person who was supposed to be a monster, turns into her savior.

Review: Raw by Belle Aurora.

This is a hard one. I needed to take a break before writing this review. It's been a while since I needed a break, so that means good things! No, really, it does.

I was slightly skeptical about this one. Did I want to read it? Was I ready to turn my back on good, safe, predictable (I love predictable, don't get me wrong!) and venture into the world of the unknown? Um, hell no! But I did. **Pats self on back**.

RawNow it's sorta dark. It's not as out there as some other books, but it's in no way light and innocent. It drove me insane. I worked myself up. There were so damn many times when I knew I needed to take a break, get myself together and sort my shit out. You know I didn't. I continued, hurt some more, laughed some more, my eyes welled up with sad tears. Yup. I really was a mess.

See, at first, I was all "Do NOT go there girl!" and then I was "You GO girl!" and back and forth I went. Vicious circle or what?

**sighs** I don't know how to review this. I don't think I can do it justice. I really don't. I could rant and rave about how epic it was, but you know what? Screw that. I know everyone has their own opinions, but I really believe this book will take that shit to the extreme. Like, truly, it's gonna cause some badass debates. Hehe.

Quick bit of info then? Okay! What would you do if you had a stalker? Report them to the police? Right? Right? Yeah, no. Not Lexi. She knows he won't hurt her. How? No idea, she just feels it. She's used to having him there,silently watching her. Until one day, he's not so silent. Saving her from a bad guy (no, I will NOT tell you about this bad guy, read it for yourselves!) he finally reveals himself. And his name, sorta. Meet Twitch ladies and gentlemen. What does Twitch want with Lexi? Well..

I look at my prey. She's the reason I am the way I am. It's all her fault. And she's going to pay.

If THAT isn't a HOLY SHIT! moment, then I sure as hell don't know what is!

So, you know what I say, to each their own and all that. If you read it and don't rate it? Cool, that's your opinion, awesome for trying it. Cause authors do need some criticism. Constructive criticism that is. That said, if you read it, didn't rate it and think you should write some seriously negative reviews? Sorry guys, but seriously, it doesn't help. Star rate it on goodreads, but don't write a big ass "review" stating everything you hated. It's all about balance. 

You know what's happened? Hehe. Uh huh. I was reading other blog reviews and shiz, and saw some really awful, nasty, unnecessary reviews. Okay, so they aren't reviews, they're people bitchin'. Okay, I am done!

5 stars! Like I said, a proper review right now will not do this justice, just take my word for it! Stick with it, enjoy it!