2013 was an amazing reading year for me. I was dragged out of my comfort zone, and I was totally okay with that. It had to happen sooner or later, right?
So, you know me. And you know that I like to well, erm, cheat
a little. As in, if there's a series and I love em all, I class it as one book. Well I'm going to be really good and
not do that right now. Nuh uh. For once, I'm going to be smart and responsible and make myself really
think about this.
...**Thinking hard**...
There are a ton of others that I could put on here, but I know that's just cause' I like to be nice and want every book I've loved the past year to be here. Well I've put on my big girl panties and I'm ready to get down to business! Do I get a sticker for this? A fruit lolly? Not even a pat on the back? No? Damn. That's harsh.
I could not order them. The fact that they're on the list say's it all. My advice? Don't even bother with the blurbs! If you're okay with diving head first into a book without knowing anything about it, great! Do it! I swear, it will make these extra special!
Me Before You by JoJo Moyles.
I sobbed like a lunatic whilst reading this. It's not a love story. It's about life. About what you do with it, and how you deal when everything you have ever known changes in the blink of an eye. It's intense. It will gut you. At the end, I was crying a mixture of happy and sad tears. It is such a beautiful story. The characters are realistic, and even though the core subject matter may be difficult for some readers, I cannot begin to express how
rewarding this book was. It's strange. It's heartbreaking, without a doubt, but at the end, I felt..peaceful? I don't think I can do this justice, at all I don't want to try. Just writing this little paragraph is bringing back all the emotions I felt whilst reading.
Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters.
This is
dark guys. I went in head first, no idea what I was getting myself into. I was..scared? I didn't want to continue, but I just could not bring myself to put it down and take a breather. You want to hate Q, but you just
can't/ Because you know, you feel it, that not everything is as it seems. Hell, it's written in the book. But even before that? It's a gut feeling. It was powerful, unapologetic, and it drags you down until your begging for something,
anything positive. Damn, intense does not even begin to cover this. It has a hard core subject. It tests you, but it really is worth sticking with.
Don't Make Me Beautiful by Elle Casey.
This was simply amazing. I've read a fair amount of books that
hint at abuse within relationships. But nothing quite like this. Again, I wasn't really sure what to expect. I sorta knew. As in, I knew the basics. I knew Nicole didn't look human anymore. It says that right there in the blurb. I knew she was scared that
The Beast was never going to let her go. I just didn't know how intense it would be. This is one story that really stuck to me. It touched my heart. I know, that sounds cheesy right? Yeah, cheesy but true! I cried a little, and those rare happy moments? Damn, I felt as though I was glowing with pure ecstasy. It is
beautiful. There is no other way to describe this. And I feel as though no review could do it justice, so I'm not gonna try just yet.
The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay.
As far as stand alone books go, this one is without a doubt one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It shook me up. It progresses slowly, the writing is damn near perfection. I was completely, utterly unprepared to feel so much. That said, there was never a time where I had a mixture of emotions all fighting for the spotlight. Just that, when they hit you, they hit
hard. It was sweet yet left you with a gut feeling. That's the best way I can describe it. You knew something big was going to happen, or had already happened. You didn't know when it would all come out. You just read about a beautiful friendship forming between two..
broken..people who find peace from each other.
Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec.
So, I very nearly peed myself laughing whilst reading the first two books of this series. This one? I'm pretty sure I did. I laughed and laughed
hard. And let me just say, DO NOT read this when everyone is asleep. You WILL wake everyone up. And they will not be happy. Trust me, I know. I was super excited to read Drew and Jenny's story. And I
think I loved theirs
more than Claire and Carter's. MmHm. I did. All I have to say is..Sex Swing. Just those two words are enough to crack me up all over again right now. If you haven't read this series yet, what on earth are you thinking?!?! AMAZING!!
Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire.
You knew this HAD to be on here, right? Of course you did. After reading BD, I cannot begin to explain how damn happy I was that we were getting something from Travs POV. I did a seriously funky happy dance. And when Mr Kindle displayed it? I
may have done a
little scream/happy wiggle. I totally did that. See, although BD will always be my favorite of the two, this was
just as good. Truly. It was. It's just that
nothing can compare to the feelings that the first provoked. It was intense. Those extra scenes too? Magic. I've always wondered what went through Travs head. Well, now I know!
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
Sighs** This stuck with me. HUGE. I haven't read every book in the series, but the ones that I did, I
knew that I
had to read this one. I needed to know about Acheron. I needed his story. It broke my heart. I swear, I never thought I could possibly feel the way I did. He looks after everyone, so I was all Acheron getting some lovin'. The guy deserved it! It's long. As in, 728 pages long. You know that means?
Detail. And detail means one serious as shit, amazing story. Even without the length, any story about an 11 thousand year old God cursed into a human body, brought back to defend human kind, has got to be freakin' great! Oh, and this was more than that. Way, way more! Fantastic! I think I need to re-read this, like, right now.
Fifty Shades Freed by E. L. James.
My very first serious erotica book. And what a way to introduce myself to a new genre. I was constantly blushing, hiding behind my fingers whilst reading, like it would somehow make things a little easier. I'm such a weirdo. I know there have been tons of positive and negative reviews alike, but I really did love this. The first two were great, but this one was by far the best. Fifty and Ana got their happily ever after. Just as intense as the previous two, but that ending adds something a little extra special to it. If you haven't read erotica before, and want to dive in at the deep(ish) end, I'd go for this. Oh! And did I mention that
both my
momma and momma in law to be asked me about this? Yeah. True story guys. I thought they wanted to know what it was about, but oh no! They wanted to know what I thought about it because they had already read it! Thank goodness they don't know about the film.
Yet. I can see it now, both of them asking me out on a
girls day out to eat some seriously good burgers and then to see the film. I think I'll turn that offer down funnily enough. Reading/watching sexy films/books with my girlfriends is one thing. It is
not something I wanna do with my two mommas. Ever. Hehe.
Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley.
The perfect end to one my my favorite series
EVER! I loved this shit. I ate it up. I sat in my little reading corner and I read non. Stop. MmHm. I was hooked. It was like crack. See, Ally is a dark horse. She's all for discussing
other peoples drama, but not her own. And you know it's gonna be good as soon as you see
Ren is involved. Oh yes. Sign me up! Now, you all know book 5 is the best in the series,
for me!, but this one, it deserves to be on this list because it was the end of an era. It was the perfect way to say goodbye (for now!) to the Rock Chicks and Hot Bunch Guys. **
sighs** I'm still waiting for my Hot Bunch Guy. ;)
Painted Faces by L. H. Cosway.
This book is just...fucking beautiful. I know I say this
a lot, but I really, truly, honest to God, have
never in my whole life read
anything like this. Nuh uh. And that is why this book is so special. I feel as though it needs a shrine or something. A shrine surrounded by wigs and stockings and sequins. Someone make this happen! Hehe. I love strong women, I love Drag Queens. I love hot guys. I love mixed emotions and misunderstandings, nosy friends and the whole "
Fuck my fucking life" sorta thing. And this has it all. I tell you no lies! I swear! I really want to go on and on like a blabbering..well..
fangirl..but I won't. Read this. Don't think about it. Just fucking do it.