Friday, 10 January 2014

Review: The Sea Of Tranquility by Katja Millay

The Sea of TranquilityAs far as stand alone books go, this one is up there. I didn't know 

what to expect, I was totally, utterly, 

completely unprepared to feel so much! I cried like a baby and 

laughed like a psycho. True story. It's all 

about anticipation with this baby. It's slow, it progresses so 

beautifully. One boy who has had to learn to 

manage his pain alone, one girl who has yet to deal with her own 


They find peace in each other, and 

together learn to overcome their pain, letting go the hurt that has 

tainted their lives for so long. 

"I know at that moment what he's given me...the knowledge that I am 

accepted here... 

He's given me a place to belong."

Absolutely fantastic. As it progresses so slowly, there are no frantic feelings all fighting for the spotlight 

No confusion. When you felt something, damn you felt it. There are all the small feelings, the little pangs 

that are consistent throughout, but when we get to the big one? Oh boy, sucker punch! It hits hard and 

leaves you breathless. It owns you. There is no escaping it, it just is. Whilst it highlights some or the 

horrors of life, it still manages to flow effortlessly into a beautifully written ending that leaves you 

needing more.

Oh, I could write about this forever. Honestly, it is without a doubt one of the most powerful, 

heartbreakingly beautiful books I have ever had the pleasure of reading. 

Just perfect!


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