Saturday, 11 January 2014

Review: Vendetta by Autumn Karr

You know you've hit the jackpot when you're completely hooked after the first five or so pages. You know it's going to be one to remember when you sit doing a happy wiggle. Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit this. I broke out in a happy wiggle quite often.

Hehe :)

After reading the blurb, I thought I'd give it a go. What did I have to lose? The blurb was pretty damn evasive, you know? We know it's about a guy and the girl he love maybe shoots him. And that's it. Clever! Straight away I needed to know their story.

I thought it would be a slow build up. I thought it would take me a reasonable amount of time to get to the juicy part. Oh no. Screw that. It drags you in from the very first page, teasing and tormenting until you're sat there all bug eyed. Maybe that's just me. I do the whole bug eyed thing really well now hehe.

VendettaAnd it continues that way. It's all laid out from the start, she has to die. There is no other option. And yet..he wants her. She invades his mind, there is no break from her. She's always there. It's intense. You know why Devon wants Leighton dead. He doesn't hide it. At first, I don't think he's even ashamed to admit it, not really.

At one point, I thought it was going to be a modern Romeo and Juliet type of thing. And for most of it, it is. Until you get to the end. It's those last few pages where everything becomes so damn clear, you want to slap yourself silly for not coming to this conclusion sooner. You sit all the way through so sure that you have it figured out, that you know how it's going to end and BAM! You're so. fucking. wrong.


I wanted to dislike Devon. I really did. Even when we finally get down to the nitty gritty of his feelings, I still wanted to hate the guy. Come on, he was all up for killing the girl he loves. Who does that? Do you see my problem? Yes? No? That's okay. I confuse myself too.

The ending, that screwed with my mind. I was like, no freakin' way! Those last three, teeny last sentences. Damn. Do they or don't they? I suppose that's the beauty of this book as well. It is a stand alone, no cliffhanger as such. But the way it ended, it's like their fate is left totally up to the reader. I loved that. There may as well have been a side note saying: please feel free to daydream about their future, it's okay, the naughtier the better". 

So, on a more serious note. I shall try and refrain from rambling now. Note  I said try. 
The writing was great. The story was fantastic, some of the twists left me shocked as shit. It's from both characters POV's too, so we get that little extra sweetness. Overall, 4.5!

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