Sunday, 26 January 2014

Review: Darkhouse (EIT #1) by Karina Halle

There's only on thing on the agenda for today: catch up on some old reviews.

I know, I really should have done them sooner. What can I say, I'm ridiculously easily distracted. All the reviews posted today are for books that I read quite a long time ago. Okay, so some aren't from that long ago. Oh, you know what I'm trying to say. Let's get down to business shall we?

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror, #1)Darkhouse was a freebie on Amazon when I first read it. From past experiences with freebies, I wasn't expecting it to be anything special if I'm honest. I'd never heard of the author before, never read any reviews on it, nothing. I wanted to mix things up a little with my reading, so thought a little paranormal would be perfect.

This book gave me one helluva book hangover. I couldn't put it down! Now, I feel as though I need to say this next part before I continue. I know there were some really negative reviews that tended to focus on the editing side of things. And yes, technically, what people said was right. In a way. What pissed me the hell off was how damn rude people were. A few spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, little things. Personally, I didn't think it had any negative effect on the book. Nothing serious. Sure, it didn't flow perfectly, and I had to re-read a few sentences here and there. But the book in general? Brilliant! So, if you can get over a few mistakes, great!

Okay, back to it.

Halle describes it as a pilot episode. She's right. In regards to the supernatural side? It's pretty simple. Being the first book in the series, she focused on the two main characters and the start of their friendship rather than all the creepy stuff. Pretty straight forward, but it works. It was a nice way to ease us into the world of Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. Damn, these two pissed me the hell off. Often. That said, I loved em enough to politely ignore their annoying behavior he he.

Perry is 22 and finding it difficult to figure out what she wants for life, normal right? Again, she's annoying at times (in a good way!) and easy to relate to in some way. Who can't relate to the whole "what do I want from life?" battle that everyone faces at some point? Add to that, she wants Dex. Oh, how I love this. There's a slight problem with that though..uh huh. You know it. Dex isn't single. Damn! 

Onto Dex. Can I just point out right here, that he is the fucking shit. You cannot help but love the guy. Weirdness and all, and trust me, the dude is seriously weird. He's a smartass, makes you laugh when you really do not want to (you want to stay mad damn it!) and he will leave you no choice but to simply accept the fact that he is under your skin and staying there. Period.

I already ranted about the spelling and shit above, so I won't repeat myself. I will say that it can feel as though the story is progressing slightly slower than you expect in some parts, but stick with it! The other books in the series just get better and better, I promise it will be worth it in the end!

Here's the blurb:
"Perry Palomino is not what you would call 'ordinary'. For one thing, there's her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there's the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbles across Dex Foray, an eccentric producer for an upcoming web-cast on ghost hunters. Even though the show's budget is non-existent and Dex himself is a maddening enigma, Perry is instantly drawn into a world that both threatens her life and seduces her with a sense of importance. Her uncle's haunted lighthouse provides the perfect catalyst and back-drop for a horrific mystery that unravels the threads of Perry's fragile sanity and causes her to fall for a man, who, like the most dangerous of ghosts, may not be all that he seems."

My overall rating is a solid 4.5 stars! And yes, it's mainly due to my big, fat, weird love for Dex. 

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