Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Review: Coming Home (Jackson Falls #) by Laurie Breton

I was there with the characters. The writing was so perfect, it was just easy. There was no "wait..what?" moments, I didn't have to flick back through to figure anything out. It progressed at a steady pace yet managed to be jam packed with drama. The detail was insane, it was an emotional book, yet I remained content throughout. That was important for me. I freakin loved it!

Set in 1974, Casey is just 18 when Danny comes crashing into her life along with Rob. Danny's the gorgeous, makes your heart (and panties) melt singer, Rob is the guitar superstar, the opposite of Danny. The trio soon rise to stardom when Danny's voice and Rob and Casey's songs become huge. They go from living in dumps to living how they've always dreamed of, like the stars they are. It's a whirlwind. It;s chaos. Danny and Casey marry, and soon realise that everything isn't quite as perfect as they first thought. 

Coming Home (Jackson Falls, #1)Rob, being Casey's best friend, stands by the couple as they try to work out their issues. He supports Casey, giving her a shoulder to lean on when times are rough. It's sweet, you know he only wants to see her happy. That was really important for me. I can't handle love triangles. I hate seeing people hurt. 

Ah, but I did with this. When the trio is no more, Casey has to learn to pick herself up, and put herself back together again. Whilst doing so, she realises the choices she made at 18 are completely different to those at 30, and loving someone again is okay. 

I was all over the place with this one. I was a mess. I cried hard and long. I hated then I loved then hated again. It's one powerful read that will leave you amazed. The writing is strong, it hits you where it hurts most but manages to leave you with happy tears!

Insane! Epic. Without a doubt, one of my favourite reads!
5 stars!

Review: Rock Chick Revolution (#8) by Kristen Ashley

We started with Indy's story and we end with Ally's. And what a freakin' way to end it!

Ally has secrets. Yup. Secrets not even the Rock Chicks know. She's a Nightingale, so it makes sense that she wants to go into the, erm, family business. Not everyone agrees. Darius has her back, always has, always will. Lee and Hank don't like the thought of their little sister doing anything like they do. And neither does Ren. 

Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick, #8)Ren Zano. You heard (read?) right. I'm getting ahead of myself here!

We get to see the events of the past year through Ally's eyes. A Rock Chick Rewind. Brilliant! I love how we get to see what she thought about the other Rock Chick dramas.

She loves Ren. And apparently, Ren loves Ava. Why does she think this? Oh, well it might have something to do with him muttering Ava's name while asleep. When he's next to Ally. Naked. Shit. 

Ally tries to keep things casual. No strings attached, steamy and sinful sex. Plain and simple. Ren has other ideas.

“How many times do I have to tell you? We’re fuck buddies, Zano.” 
He shook his head again, his thumb sweeping across my cheek and his face getting so close to mine, his lips nearly brushed my own. 
“No, baby , we are not. I’ve had fuck buddies, Ally. And not one of them looked like you look when I slide inside you, every fucking time I slide inside you. Like a piece of you has been lost and now it’s found.” 
Oh crap.
I probably looked just like that.”

Not only does Ally have to fight against Ren and his constant advances, persuasions to give more a try, she has to deal with a fall out with Indy, every Rock Chick and Hot Bunch guy making their opinions about her career choices known, she has to accept the fact that she's a Rock Chick, and she will get her happily ever after, and she's a Nightingale, through and through.

It was amazing to get inside Ally's head. She is insane! I got pissed with her several times, after all, how many times had she told the other girls to just go with it? And does she take her own advice? Nuh uh. Silly girl!

I was also cray happy with the detail we got in regards to the other characters. That moment when Ava calls off her weddigg? Priceless!

“Calm down, man, the wedding isn’t off,” Luke announced. 
“It is,” Ava retorted angrily, whirling on her man. 
“It isn’t,” Luke replied calmly, staring down his nose at his woman. 
“Are you going to dance with me?” she asked. 
“Vertically?” he asked back, and I pressed my lips together in order not to laugh. 
“Yes!” she snapped. 
“Yeah, baby,” he said. “I’ll dance with you vertically, in the bathroom on the plane on the way to Bermuda.” 

5+ teary eyed stars! I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet! :'(

Review: Rock Chick Regret (#7) by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick Regret (Rock Chick, #7)I was surprised when I read the blurb for this. I wasn't expecting Hector Chavez to have his own book. No idea why, I just didn't.

Now this installment? This one moved me. Big time. I thought Stella and Mace's story was emotional, shit, that was all sunshine and daisies compared to this! Seriously, I was a wreck. I didn't want to read it, Sadie's pain was almost too much for me. Sure, I expected something, I mean, it's a Rock Chick after all. I just didn't anticipate for it to be so darn emotional. It was deep. It was perfect!

Sadie is known as The Ice Princess, and she's made sure she's worked hard enough to maintain the reputation. It's expected, she's lived her whole life under her drug lord fathers thumb. It makes sense. Until it doesn't. Now it's bye bye daddy, hello freedom. Why? Because one night she decided enough was enough, and she showed Hector the real Sadie. And he likes what he saw, enough to know he wasn't gonna let her slip away.

When faced with the ultimate choice, continue to be The Ice Princess or let herself live a life surrounded by Rock Chicks and Hot Bunch guys, she chooses wisely. For a while. It's hard to let people in when she's always felt so alone. Eventually, everyone wears her down. Of course, not before all the famous Rock Chick drama occurs! And you know you're gonna laugh and laugh hard.

“Hector? You call him Hector?”
“Well, I can hardly call out, ‘Agent Chavez, oo Agent Chavez,’ When he makes me climax, now can I?” 


“I looked up at Lee when we stopped in front of Hector and informed him helpfully, “You might want to take your arm away. Blanca tells me Hector doesn’t like men touching me.” 
“Blanca told you that?” Lee asked, his smile (and arm) still firmly in place.
“Yes. She’s known Hector, like, his whole life so I think she’s in the position to know.” 
Lee nodded, his smile somehow bigger like he was trying not to laugh then his eyes moved to Hector and he said, “I tried to stop it.”
Hector looked at Lee then looked at me then he muttered, “Oh fuck.”
“It was Ally’s idea,” Lee told Hector.
“What was Ally’s idea?” Hector asked Lee.
“It was not Ally’s idea!” I cried.
“It wasn’t!” super-power-eared Ally yelled from the open back window of Lee’s Explorer. “It was Sadie’s idea. I just was offering moral support.”
“Shut up, Ally!” Indy shouted out the open passenger side window.
“I will not shut up! I’m not taking the fall for this one!” Ally shouted back.
I turned to the car, dislodging Lee’s arm and lifted both my hands and pressed down. “No one’s going to take a fall. Everyone calm down. It’s all okay. It’s rock ‘n’ roll!” I screamed.
“Righteous!” Ally screamed back.
“Rock on, sister!” Indy screamed too.
“It’s rock ‘n’ roll?” Lee asked, sounding as amused as he looked.
“You all wanna quit screamin’ at three o’clock in the mornin’ in my fuckin’ neighborhood?” Hector suggested.
Mm, well maybe we were being an eensy bit loud.
“Time for beddie by,” I announced (sounding like Ralphie), got up on tiptoe, kissed Lee’s cheek (like Ralphie and Buddy would do to me), turned and gave Indy and Ally a double devil’s horns (like Ava taught me) and shouted, “Rock on!” 
They shouted back in unison, “Rock on!”
“Christ,” Hector muttered.” 

I don't want to go into too much detail with this one, because everyone is going to react to it a different way. The basics of it are the same as the rest of the Rock Chick books, we know this. But the big ass moment that makes her make a decision? It's hard. It hurts. It breaks your damn heart and leaves you wondering when it will feel okay again.

I swear, it does. It just takes time.
I cried like a baby. True story. I don't know how I managed to read this without breaking down in a pile of snot and tears, or having to take a break every five minutes. I connected with Sadie. There was so much more detail, that it was impossible not to. So when the ending comes, and everythings fucking perfect for her? That is what made all the pain and suffering worth it. Sure, the funny moments and sweet times all added to it, they always do. But the bad times, they were what made this story for me.

5+ stars!

Review: Rock Chick Reckoning (#6) by Kristen Ashley

Number 6. Only two more until we say goodbye Rock Chick  and Hot Bunch guys...for now ;)

Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, #6)This one focuses on Stella and Mace. MmmHmm. I said it, Mace The quiet one. The one who just sorta blends into the background. Okay, so he doesn't blend into the background, he's just..quietish. Yeah. That sounds better. 

Stella and Mace had a thing. It was going well..until it wasn't. Stella's convinced herself she's over Mace, really, she is. 

When she gets, what she believes, is a routine call from a member of her band, she thinks nothing of it. She's used to having to clean up their messes. So imagine her surprise when she steps out of the car no find Mace, a shit load of police and a dead body. Oh, and she gets shot. Yup! It's all there right from the beginning in this one. Someones pissed off, and they want to hurt each and every Rock Chick, including Stella. 

She's convinced she doesn't need Mace protecting her. Then again, don't they all usually say this? She fights, she loses. She then decides he's not getting any of her. MmHm. Tries and loses again. Who in their right mind would say no to this..?

“I fucked up and hurt you. It won't happen again.” His fingers tensed around my head and his deep voice dropped low. “I promise you, Kitten, it won't happen again.” 

Mace has..issues. I can't really explain them without giving too much away. I will say that he didn't like his ex girlfriend getting shot right in front of him..less so that the average person. 

This one's intense. I loved this shit. I ate up everything. I did not put it down, really, I didn't. It went everywhere with me. I didn't leave the freakin house until I was finished. There are a ton of emotions that are pulled out during this one. More so than the others. It's got that little extra something, simply incredible. 

5+ stars!

Review: Rock Chick Revenge (#5) by Kristen Ashley

Rock Chick Revenge (Rock Chick, #5)It's here! The best book (in my opinion anyway) of the series. Oh how I love Luke Stark. **sighs** I want him!

Ava's decided all men are scum. Yup. After having nothing but trouble from them, she's decided the only serious relationship she's ever going to have again, is with a vibrator. hehe

She's also decided that she's going to help her best friend, Sissy, get dirt on her cheating no good Husband. Since she's known Luke since they were kids, she goes to ask him for help. And backs out the last minute. She does not need a mans help. Luke disagrees. He knows Ava's gonna find herself a shit load of trouble, so he follows her. And it's a darn good thing he does, cause' gunshots are fired people!

In true Hot Bunch style, he moves Ava in with him, doesn't even give her the choice. Nope.

“Later,” I said to the room at large as I didn’t want to appear rude.

For some reason this was met by Shirleen saying, "I’ll put money down that she’s living with him in four days.” 
My confused gaze swung to Shirleen but she was looking at the movie star glamour girl who was looking at me. 
“Three days,” Glamour girl said, smiling at me and I thought, in other circumstances, I would have liked to meet her. 
“A week, she’s got spirit,” The other black lady said. She was smiling at me too, not like I was the butt of some joke, but in a kind way. 
I opened the outer door. 
Before it closed behind me, I heard Luke say strangely, “Tonight.” 
Then everyone laughed.”

Ava's determined that she will not fall for Luke, that her silly childish crush on him died years ago. Yeah, you keep telling yourself girl!

Ava's not afraid to fight dirty..Luke's not afraid to fight dirtier. Nuh uh. He has handcuffs and he does use them. I loved these parts! I laughed so damn much!

Not only does Luke have to keep Ava safe, he has to make her understand that everything her own damn family ever said to her was a load of shit, and that he will never intentionally hurt her, not like the others.

“I'm not stupid, I know your heart's involved in this and I've never, not once in all the time you've known me, given you the idea that I won't handle it with care.”

I swooned, and I did it hard! I want my own Luke, sexy half smirk and all ;)
OH! And how good was the whole Good Ava/Bad Ava thing? I know a few people didn't like it, but I thought it was so freakin' funny!

“Oh my goodness, Luke’s massaging your arm! Isn’t that sweet? Good Ava trilled in my ear. 
Jump him! Rip his pants off! Bad Ava shouted in my other ear.” 

So, writing wise? Perfect. I cannot find fault with it, but then again, I usually do! A little..deeper .. that the others, but still filled with the expected drama and humor.

5+ stars!

Review: Rock Chick Renegade (#4) by Kristen Ashley


I struggled with this one guys. I really did. I don't know why, okay, I do but it really shouldn't have affected me as much as it did. First off let me start by saying that Luke is my ultimate Hot Bunch guy. That's why I struggled with this one.

I started this a bunch of times, and had to put it down. It's still a great read! It had everything and more. I just didn't like Luke in this, dickhead. 

Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4)No I don't mean that. I still love him. But...Hmm.

This time around, we get to go on a roller coaster with Jules and Vance. Jules, social worker by day, bad guy bustin' bad ass lady by night. She is The Shit. Okay, so she's knows as The Law. Still, girls got guts people! Everyone at Fortnum's takes Jules under their wings. They love her, they want her safe. They will stop at nothing to wear her down.

Jules doesn't want a love life. Nuh uh. No way, thank you very much! Oh, and she's a virgin. Now that was an interesting read! heehee!

It's all going down in this one. Everything is just that little big more dangerous. She's playing against the big bad guys here. She pisses them off, naturally, and the Hot Bunch guys step in to stop her from getting dead. And along with all that? She has to accept the fact that she and Vance finally have a home..

“No matter what,” he said, his voice fierce and strong and rumbling through me. “You told me I was home to you and I get it. You’re home to me. I’ve never had a home. I like the one I found and I’m not losin’ it. No matter what.” 

Oh man, I tried, I did. I really really wanted to love this book as much as the others, and I just couldn't. Damn you Lucas Stark for ruining this for me!

I think I need to re-read this. Yup. I really do. I'll update this review as soon as I have!
Overall, 4.5!

Monday, 30 December 2013

Money Saver Monday!

There's nothing better than a deal, right? As promised, here is a list of some books that are cheap as hell at the moment! Now, I've even done both a US and a UK list, cause I hated it when I got uber excited about a sale only to find out it was US only. BOO!

So Booyah! UK deals are listed as well! Did that cheer you up this Monday morning? Just think, you could one-click away without feeling too guilty! All are under $2.00/£2.00 too!

And PLEASE REMEMBER! These were priced as they are below when I first wrote this, they can/will change!!

Amazon US deals

Bully by Penelope Douglas - Another book I read earlier this year and loved! Only $1.24 too! One Click, you know you want to!
Marked, part 1: The Missing Link by J.M. Sevilla It's FREEEE!! I went through a hit man phase, loved this! And let me say, it was not free in the UK. Grab it while you can!
Wildest Dreams by Kristen Ashley I love this woman. Like, a lot. And this baby is on sale for just $1.23. *sighs* I need to revisit some KA hotness soon!
A Christmas to Remember Only $1.62!
With You by Nashoda Rose This one's $1.16...click click click! I already did!
After Rain by Lisa De Jong 2nd installment, only $0.81. I need to read these ASAP! Great reviews online...
Every Breath by Tasha Ivey
Destiny Everchanging by Tasha Ivey
Pieces of Me by Erica Cope
Exquisite Betrayal by A.M. Hargrove
Pure Temptation by Eve Carter
Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan HOLY FREAKING HELL!! I LOOOOVE this book! Okay, so its more like a fucked up love/hate/love again relationship, but still. It was love guys! Click click click! GO GO GO!!! Hot Biker Badassness ahead!
Hells Knights by Bella Jewel Another biker read..I started this a while ago, then a book I had been dying for was released, but after reading the blurb again, think I'm gonna have to read it tomorrow (today?)
Tears of Tess by Pepper WInters This baby right here, is one of my favourite books, ever! It has it all! and for less than 99c? Shiiiiiiit! Grab it, make it your priority read! NOW!

Amazon UK Deals. 

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters Seeing how cheap it was in the US, I had to see what it was UK..and you know what? 49p. Yup! DEAL! I love it when this happens! Yey! Hoorah!
Selling Scarlett by Ella James FREEEEE! Amazing! A girl who sells her virginity. Willingly. To a guy she hates/loves/wants to screw anywhere and everywhere/wants to punch him in the junk. Still free..I cannot believe it! GO! CLICK!
Bully by Penelope Douglas
Trouble by Samantha Towle
Lovely Vicious by Sara Wolf - This one was amazing! A definite Recommendation right here guys!
Elect by Rachel Van Dyken
Beautiful Broken Mess by Kimberly Lauren - Super sweet read with a hard twist to it. Really liked this one!
Hold Us Close by Caisey Quinn
Out of Line by Jen McLaughlin - Sheltered girl finally free at college? Where she meets Marine/surfer hotbod Finn Coram. He knows he should stay away, stick to the rule..but he can't/ Ooo! This looks super good! And yes, I totally just one-clicked the shit out of this one!
Out of Time by Jen McLaughlin - Book 2 to the one above! No, I didn't read the blurb, cause' we all know that you shouldn't do that until you've read the first. Yup. I have learned from my mistakes people!

It's 6am. I'm uber sleepy, haven't had my required three cups of coffee yet either. Short list? Yup. Sorry, but I've gotta date with a Marine/Surfer ;)

I'll let you know how it works out!

Review: Rick Chick Redemption (#3) by Kristen Ashley

I wasn't all that bothered about Hank. I know, I suck! Turns out, I love the guy. I didn't crush on him too hard, but I'm super happy that he got a book now!

Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick, #3)And I think Roxie might just be one of my fave Rock Chicks. She's fucking hilarious. I had tears, I was laughing that hard! Especially with the whole Alligator thing. I'm getting ahead of myself again.

Roxie's on the run. She's tried to run from her Ex, not that he get;s the whole ex part, several times. And failed. He always finds her, and he always brings her back.

“It was like someone in a suit walked up to me and gave me a certificate, which stated “Roxanne Giselle Logan, Your Life is Fucked”

So she made a plan. One final run. To her Uncle Tex. Yup! Tex has family! I'm so happy about this guys! Cause we all love Tex, how could we not?

She doesn't want a relationship. Nuh uh. No way. Such a shame that Hank does. You know where this goes, she tries, she fails, she ends up in his bed.

“I'm protecting what's mine."
"I'm not yours," I said. 
"You're welcome to think that but it doesn't change the fact that you are.”

She think's shes no good for him, how can a honest to god good guy like Hank want anything to do with her, especially when her life is a whirlwind of drama?

Her parents are crazy as shit, and so is her best friend. They're all Team Hank, much to Roxie's dismay. So, she fails, and thus begins yet another Rock Chick Vs Hot Bunch Guy war.

Roxie just wants a normal life. And it's up to Hank to prove to her that she can have that, if she just trusts him and everyone around her. It's crazy! Roxie decides to hold on for the ride, kidnappings and all. And the end result? So so worth it!

“I pulled out my cell, flipped it opened and said Hank’s name into the phone. It rang twice. “You okay?” he asked in greeting. “My life began when I met you,” I told him. There was a beat of silence. Then, I heard him say, “Sunshine –”


The ending? I didn't know to cringe cause' her speech was a little cheesy or awww with delight. I think I did a little mix of both!

I was prepared for the story to be pretty much the same as the previous two, and yeah, in some respect, they are. Man wants woman, woman denies that she wants the man, kidnapping and all that stuff. Sure, it's repeated. BUT, and it's a big but, each book has..just something special that's unique. Now, I'm not talking about the characters, I can't explain it. Each one gets more serious, drags you in just that little bit further. They're just special books in my eyes. And I seriously recommend anything KA, this series especially to anyone who wants to venture into books that are a little more mature yet entertaining as shit at the same time.

You know the rating already..you know
5 stars!

Review: Rock Chick Rescue (#2) by Kristen Ashley

I'm in love. 

KA, You are a STAR!

RCR has everything we expect from a KA book. Hot as hell men, funny females and the drama that we 

love oh-so-much. See, what did we learn from the previous book? We learnt that although we love our 

rock chicks to death, we also learnt that they think some seriously screwed up shit. Example one..try and 

break up with hot as hell hot bunch guy who gives you multiple orgasms whilst keeping you safe, just so 

said hot as hell hot bunch guy can be safe himself. That make sense? Ha!

On a little tangent here, but I love the fact that the characters who are supposed to be, well, background 

characters I suppose, are not! So we know the story is all about Jet and Eddie, but we still get to read so 

much about Tex, Daisy and the other hot bunch/rock chicks. I love how we can do this without feeling 

like it's just a little too much,, you know? Signs of honest to god amazing writing skills right here! And I 

get to read more about crazy Tex (BONUS!)

So what's in store for us this time?
In Rock Chick, we were introduced to Eddie Chavez, good cop with a little grey blended in. And at the very end, Jet. 

I love how different Jet is to Indy. Really. Sure, she's all fire under the surface, but she's not so..in your face..as Indy. It's a lovely change! Now we know Eddies all alpha like Lee, but what about Jet?

Used to taking care of everyone and everything herself, Jet doesn't understand how someone like Eddie could be interested in someone like her..and oh boy, is he interested! In classic Rock Chick style, she tries to push him away. She fails. Miserably. Poor girl. Not. 

“Don’t ignore me while I’m trying to break
up with you!” 

Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2)

Working the bar at a strip club has its  benefits. Good money, great tips and an amazing boss. And then there's the downside. It starts with a knife at her throat thanks to her good for nothing dad. Enter macho man Eddie. He decides he can help Jet with her problems. And not just the ones revolving around her father. Heehee! 

Stubborn Jet decides that if she's gone this damn long without help, she sure as hell doesn't need it now! Now I'm all for some Rock Chick 'tude.  But seriously? Just accept it!

“I’d been tossing on the seas for twenty-eight years, I was used to flipping around on the waves by myself,
bailing out the water like a mad fool.
How did I get used to an anchor?
What if that anchor broke off?” 

The battle begins. Eddies will stop at nothing to keep Jet safe, and get into her panties (what is it with these guys?).  Jet to just wants to get to the bottom of all the trouble her dds in. 

More stun guns, back street poker tables and wrestling bad guys in bagel shops, Rock Chick Rescue is just as packed with drama as the first book. 

5 big fat ass gold stars!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Review: Rock Chick #1 by Kristen Ashley

Let me start by saying, how much it sucks and sucks hard that I'm re-writing these reviews. Damn my stupidity for not backing things up! 

Okay, I'm cool. I can continue!

It's no secret that I love anything by Kristen Ashley. I might even have a little girl crush on her, cause' she's brought me so damn many book boyfriends. It's Alpha Heaven ladies! Rock Chick was one of those books that I thought would be okay. Nothing special, a light read. Something to pass the time until that one book I had been waiting for what felt like forever to come out. Shit, I wanted to slap myself silly. Really. I think I might have given my hand a little tap once or twice.
Rock Chick (Rock Chick, #1)
It was amazing! I wanted a little laugh and a lot of love. I got it..and more. 

See, the thing is, this book raised the bar. It made me realise I needed to read things about actual adults. I know, that sounds weird right? It does. It;s okay, you can agree with me. Really. I was stupid. I was stuck in the pretty little pink bubble of YA, light and fluffy romance books. At least I was most of the time. I had this thing about reading about older characters. Don't ask me why, I really am weird that way. So, there I was, about to become all adult like and read about adult problems. I was nervous, I thought "what if it's about something that could happen to me? Shit, I don't wanna be old!" (See, issues I tell you, issues!)

It never came. Nope. I read it and thought well shit, I'd be okay if my life was this crazy! Alright alright, so maybe not with all of it. But most of it, oh hell yes! I was trapped. I could not put it down, hell, I didn't even want to!

So! Why is it so damn great? I shall tell you!

India "Indy" Savage has loved Liam "Lee" Nightingale for as long as she can remember. She's tried everything to get his attention, and in his pants. Yup. Our girl stopped at nothing to try and get the guy. And failed..so she gave up. Being best friends with his sister was supposed to have its benefits.

“It was my bad luck (considering Lee's moral code was a bit sketchy) that I fell into Liam Nightingale's Ethical Rule Book at Rule Number Two (with Rule Number One being "Thou shalt not nail your brother's girlfriend"), I was "Thou shalt not nail your little sister's best friend.” 

Years later, she's still not totally over the guy. Not that she'll tell him that. Nuh uh. No way is she going down that road again. She'll just continue to be Rock Chick/Cops Daughter/Bookstore and coffee shop owner. Lee runs his own P.I/Security business with a bunch of hot guys. Things are going good..until they aren't. Still, Indy tries to avoid Lee...

“I haven’t been avoiding you,” 

“You’re lying. The last time we were both at dinner, you got up in the middle of Mom’s fajita presentation and said you forgot to feed your cat.”



“You don’t have a cat.” 

Who employs someone who has stolen diamonds? Yup. Indy does. And who decides to make it his business and sort this shit out for her? MmHmm. Lee. And while he's at it, he also decides he wants in Indy's pants..and more. Gah! How does he manage to be annoying and sweet at the same time?

“For what it’s worth, I’ll share my intentions. You and me, we aren’t practice for the real thing. It isn’t 
that too much is at stake with family and friends, it’s because I love you. You’re funny, beautiful and you care about people. I like the way you look at me, especially when you think I don’t notice it. I like that we have history and our kids will have a big family and share that history because there was never a time when their Mom and Dad weren’t together. If you were a terrible lay, I might have second thoughts but you and I are dynamite together. I intend to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. If that freaks you out, tough, because now we’ve started this, there’s no goin’ back.” 

Dead bodies on her doorstep, car explosions, being kid napped and stun gunned sure takes it's toll on Indy. Lee's had enough. He want's his woman and he wants her safe. He also wants paying. In a sexual manner. Ha! I almost pee'd myself reading that part! Okay, so I almost pee'd myself throughout the whole book.

“I do this thing for Rosie, you sleep with me"

I stared at him, open-mouthed and in stunned silence. 

I did, of course, understand what he meant but he explained further. 

"Not like last night, we'll both be naked and sexual acts will be performed."

My expression didn't change except maybe my mouth opened wider.

"I'll expect your participation."

Holly shit.

"Your avid participation."

Dear Lord in Heaven. 

Eventually, I whispered, "You must be joking."

He shook his head and watched me.

I dropped my eyes, unable to hold his stare.

"I think I need more coffee," I told his throat.” 

I want Lee. I'd take stun guns and car explosions if it meant I got to snuggle up to His Royal Hotness himself every night!

Shit hits the fan people! Indy tries, really, she does (not!) to ignore Lee's advances. There's only so long a girl can resist sweet talkin' and naughty promises before she gives in. Who could blame her? 5 Big Fat Ass Gold Stars! Brilliant writing! Fast paced, keeps you on your toes aching for more, more, more! A fantastic start to a fantastic series!

Sad Sunday..

So apparently, Mr Blog doesn't wanna play nice today. Nope. It's decided it doesn't wanna show all my reviews. It just will not work!

So here I am..again..starting from scratch.

I don't know whether to laugh (with insanity) or cry (with even more insanity). So! Apologies if this has been going on a while, I told you all I was pretty much useless when it came to this sorta stuff..all technical. Maybe all these books have fried my brain. Huh. Anything is possible.

Reviews will be back on today (hopefully most of them will anyway!)