Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Review: Coming Home (Jackson Falls #) by Laurie Breton

I was there with the characters. The writing was so perfect, it was just easy. There was no "wait..what?" moments, I didn't have to flick back through to figure anything out. It progressed at a steady pace yet managed to be jam packed with drama. The detail was insane, it was an emotional book, yet I remained content throughout. That was important for me. I freakin loved it!

Set in 1974, Casey is just 18 when Danny comes crashing into her life along with Rob. Danny's the gorgeous, makes your heart (and panties) melt singer, Rob is the guitar superstar, the opposite of Danny. The trio soon rise to stardom when Danny's voice and Rob and Casey's songs become huge. They go from living in dumps to living how they've always dreamed of, like the stars they are. It's a whirlwind. It;s chaos. Danny and Casey marry, and soon realise that everything isn't quite as perfect as they first thought. 

Coming Home (Jackson Falls, #1)Rob, being Casey's best friend, stands by the couple as they try to work out their issues. He supports Casey, giving her a shoulder to lean on when times are rough. It's sweet, you know he only wants to see her happy. That was really important for me. I can't handle love triangles. I hate seeing people hurt. 

Ah, but I did with this. When the trio is no more, Casey has to learn to pick herself up, and put herself back together again. Whilst doing so, she realises the choices she made at 18 are completely different to those at 30, and loving someone again is okay. 

I was all over the place with this one. I was a mess. I cried hard and long. I hated then I loved then hated again. It's one powerful read that will leave you amazed. The writing is strong, it hits you where it hurts most but manages to leave you with happy tears!

Insane! Epic. Without a doubt, one of my favourite reads!
5 stars!

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