Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Review: Rock Chick Revolution (#8) by Kristen Ashley

We started with Indy's story and we end with Ally's. And what a freakin' way to end it!

Ally has secrets. Yup. Secrets not even the Rock Chicks know. She's a Nightingale, so it makes sense that she wants to go into the, erm, family business. Not everyone agrees. Darius has her back, always has, always will. Lee and Hank don't like the thought of their little sister doing anything like they do. And neither does Ren. 

Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick, #8)Ren Zano. You heard (read?) right. I'm getting ahead of myself here!

We get to see the events of the past year through Ally's eyes. A Rock Chick Rewind. Brilliant! I love how we get to see what she thought about the other Rock Chick dramas.

She loves Ren. And apparently, Ren loves Ava. Why does she think this? Oh, well it might have something to do with him muttering Ava's name while asleep. When he's next to Ally. Naked. Shit. 

Ally tries to keep things casual. No strings attached, steamy and sinful sex. Plain and simple. Ren has other ideas.

“How many times do I have to tell you? We’re fuck buddies, Zano.” 
He shook his head again, his thumb sweeping across my cheek and his face getting so close to mine, his lips nearly brushed my own. 
“No, baby , we are not. I’ve had fuck buddies, Ally. And not one of them looked like you look when I slide inside you, every fucking time I slide inside you. Like a piece of you has been lost and now it’s found.” 
Oh crap.
I probably looked just like that.”

Not only does Ally have to fight against Ren and his constant advances, persuasions to give more a try, she has to deal with a fall out with Indy, every Rock Chick and Hot Bunch guy making their opinions about her career choices known, she has to accept the fact that she's a Rock Chick, and she will get her happily ever after, and she's a Nightingale, through and through.

It was amazing to get inside Ally's head. She is insane! I got pissed with her several times, after all, how many times had she told the other girls to just go with it? And does she take her own advice? Nuh uh. Silly girl!

I was also cray happy with the detail we got in regards to the other characters. That moment when Ava calls off her weddigg? Priceless!

“Calm down, man, the wedding isn’t off,” Luke announced. 
“It is,” Ava retorted angrily, whirling on her man. 
“It isn’t,” Luke replied calmly, staring down his nose at his woman. 
“Are you going to dance with me?” she asked. 
“Vertically?” he asked back, and I pressed my lips together in order not to laugh. 
“Yes!” she snapped. 
“Yeah, baby,” he said. “I’ll dance with you vertically, in the bathroom on the plane on the way to Bermuda.” 

5+ teary eyed stars! I'm not ready to say goodbye to them yet! :'(

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