Monday, 30 December 2013

Review: Rock Chick Rescue (#2) by Kristen Ashley

I'm in love. 

KA, You are a STAR!

RCR has everything we expect from a KA book. Hot as hell men, funny females and the drama that we 

love oh-so-much. See, what did we learn from the previous book? We learnt that although we love our 

rock chicks to death, we also learnt that they think some seriously screwed up shit. Example one..try and 

break up with hot as hell hot bunch guy who gives you multiple orgasms whilst keeping you safe, just so 

said hot as hell hot bunch guy can be safe himself. That make sense? Ha!

On a little tangent here, but I love the fact that the characters who are supposed to be, well, background 

characters I suppose, are not! So we know the story is all about Jet and Eddie, but we still get to read so 

much about Tex, Daisy and the other hot bunch/rock chicks. I love how we can do this without feeling 

like it's just a little too much,, you know? Signs of honest to god amazing writing skills right here! And I 

get to read more about crazy Tex (BONUS!)

So what's in store for us this time?
In Rock Chick, we were introduced to Eddie Chavez, good cop with a little grey blended in. And at the very end, Jet. 

I love how different Jet is to Indy. Really. Sure, she's all fire under the surface, but she's not your Indy. It's a lovely change! Now we know Eddies all alpha like Lee, but what about Jet?

Used to taking care of everyone and everything herself, Jet doesn't understand how someone like Eddie could be interested in someone like her..and oh boy, is he interested! In classic Rock Chick style, she tries to push him away. She fails. Miserably. Poor girl. Not. 

“Don’t ignore me while I’m trying to break
up with you!” 

Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2)

Working the bar at a strip club has its  benefits. Good money, great tips and an amazing boss. And then there's the downside. It starts with a knife at her throat thanks to her good for nothing dad. Enter macho man Eddie. He decides he can help Jet with her problems. And not just the ones revolving around her father. Heehee! 

Stubborn Jet decides that if she's gone this damn long without help, she sure as hell doesn't need it now! Now I'm all for some Rock Chick 'tude.  But seriously? Just accept it!

“I’d been tossing on the seas for twenty-eight years, I was used to flipping around on the waves by myself,
bailing out the water like a mad fool.
How did I get used to an anchor?
What if that anchor broke off?” 

The battle begins. Eddies will stop at nothing to keep Jet safe, and get into her panties (what is it with these guys?).  Jet to just wants to get to the bottom of all the trouble her dds in. 

More stun guns, back street poker tables and wrestling bad guys in bagel shops, Rock Chick Rescue is just as packed with drama as the first book. 

5 big fat ass gold stars!

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