Monday, 30 December 2013

Review: Rick Chick Redemption (#3) by Kristen Ashley

I wasn't all that bothered about Hank. I know, I suck! Turns out, I love the guy. I didn't crush on him too hard, but I'm super happy that he got a book now!

Rock Chick Redemption (Rock Chick, #3)And I think Roxie might just be one of my fave Rock Chicks. She's fucking hilarious. I had tears, I was laughing that hard! Especially with the whole Alligator thing. I'm getting ahead of myself again.

Roxie's on the run. She's tried to run from her Ex, not that he get;s the whole ex part, several times. And failed. He always finds her, and he always brings her back.

“It was like someone in a suit walked up to me and gave me a certificate, which stated “Roxanne Giselle Logan, Your Life is Fucked”

So she made a plan. One final run. To her Uncle Tex. Yup! Tex has family! I'm so happy about this guys! Cause we all love Tex, how could we not?

She doesn't want a relationship. Nuh uh. No way. Such a shame that Hank does. You know where this goes, she tries, she fails, she ends up in his bed.

“I'm protecting what's mine."
"I'm not yours," I said. 
"You're welcome to think that but it doesn't change the fact that you are.”

She think's shes no good for him, how can a honest to god good guy like Hank want anything to do with her, especially when her life is a whirlwind of drama?

Her parents are crazy as shit, and so is her best friend. They're all Team Hank, much to Roxie's dismay. So, she fails, and thus begins yet another Rock Chick Vs Hot Bunch Guy war.

Roxie just wants a normal life. And it's up to Hank to prove to her that she can have that, if she just trusts him and everyone around her. It's crazy! Roxie decides to hold on for the ride, kidnappings and all. And the end result? So so worth it!

“I pulled out my cell, flipped it opened and said Hank’s name into the phone. It rang twice. “You okay?” he asked in greeting. “My life began when I met you,” I told him. There was a beat of silence. Then, I heard him say, “Sunshine –”


The ending? I didn't know to cringe cause' her speech was a little cheesy or awww with delight. I think I did a little mix of both!

I was prepared for the story to be pretty much the same as the previous two, and yeah, in some respect, they are. Man wants woman, woman denies that she wants the man, kidnapping and all that stuff. Sure, it's repeated. BUT, and it's a big but, each book has..just something special that's unique. Now, I'm not talking about the characters, I can't explain it. Each one gets more serious, drags you in just that little bit further. They're just special books in my eyes. And I seriously recommend anything KA, this series especially to anyone who wants to venture into books that are a little more mature yet entertaining as shit at the same time.

You know the rating know
5 stars!

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