Friday, 1 August 2014

I've been neglecting this!

Hey there guys and dolls. I'm back. I know, I know,.I suck at this. It seems the daily posts are not gonna work anymore. Why is this? Because work is a bitch. That's right. The hours are up and the reading time is down. Life is not fair.

Here is the plan! On the 30th of every month, I'll post a big ass list of what I loved, loathed and those sneaky little pests that seem to fall in the middle. There may be random posts here and there, but for now, that's how it's gonna be. I really don't wanna stop this thing, I'm not ready to. At all. But hey, what's a girl to do?

I'm on the look out for some newbies, something fresh. Something that will turn me into a crazy lady. Ideas? :-)

And finally, a sneak peak at this month's topics. The promise by kristen Ashley will be posted (I loved it!) and some mini reviews of some authors I luckily stumbled across. Oh! These WILL NOT BE POSTED AS ONE POST!  I'm guessing there'll be around three maybe four separate posts, just on the same day. Yeah I know, I could set the Automatic post thing up, but I can't figure it out because I only have the app. Why? Because I fried laptop number two. Gah. I have issues.

And that's it for now. I'll be here on the 30th with more ramblings.

CJ x

Monday, 9 June 2014

Review: Making Faces by Amy Harmon

Happy Monday people!

Today's post is a review, a highly recommended work of art that I read a while ago and still can't get out of my head. What is this amazing thing you ask? Why, it's Making Faces by Amy Harmon.

It seems quite rare that I find a book and dive into it, no questions asked. I tend to read a couple of reviews too (no spoilers though!) and then I decide whether I want to add it to my TBR or not. This one, like I said, I dove into it. I did not read any reviews, I felt pretty damn sure this was going to be one of those catch your breath, hold in the tears and suck up all the hurt reads that would just stick with me. I love it when that happens ha ha.

Making FacesSo there I was, I thought I was pretty much prepared, I thought I had a damn good idea what it was going to be like, hey, if I can read all those biker books and not cry, surely I can this one, right? Wrong. Oh how wrong I was. It had me, hook, line and sinker. I couldn't, didn't, put this down until the very end. There is not a damn typical thing about this book. **Sighs**. I may have to read this again, like, right now.

So... What is all the fuss about?

Ambrose Young was beautiful. He was tall and muscular, with hair that touched his shoulders and eyes that burned right through you. The kind of beautiful that graced the covers of romance novels, and Fern Taylor would know. She'd been reading them since she was thirteen. But maybe because he was so beautiful he was never someone Fern thought she could have...until he wasn't beautiful anymore.

Making Faces is the story of a small town where five young men go off to war, and only one comes back. It is the story of loss. Collective loss, individual loss, loss of beauty, loss of life, loss of identity. It is the tale of one girl's love for a broken boy, and a wounded warrior's love for an unremarkable girl. This is a story of friendship that overcomes heartache, heroism that defies the common definitions, and a modern tale of Beauty and the Beast, where we discover that there is a little beauty and a little beast in all of us.

Can you honestly tell me you read that, and didn't want to one click? Huh?
As the blurb states, it's centered around loss, and overcoming your demons. It's about finding yourself again, and finally learning that it's okay to lean on others, to depend on someone else other that yourself. It really is a beautifully written book. There's a quality to it that seems rare at the moment, it's passionate in every sense of the word. There are so many messages throughout this book, that it become impossible not to take a little breather, to sit and reflect on your own life and what or who you take for granted, to learn to truly appreciate what it is we have. This, this right here, amazed me. I'm not going to declare myself a saint, but I was astounded at how deeply this effected me.

Harmon has delivered another 5+ star read, for me, and I cannot wait to get my hands on another book of hers!

If you enjoy books that tear your heart to shreds and put it back together again, this one is for you. Go on a journey guys, it's worth it in the end.

CJ x

Friday, 6 June 2014

So yesterday I did a little post about books and movies..blah blah blah. Today, I have a list! Yup. I've sat, reflected and researched some definite upcoming movies, and some maybes. I won't bore you with any more drivel today, I'll get right to it.

 Let's take a look at some upcoming releases, shall we? :) The list below are definite adaptations. Mr IMDB assisted me with this research, always a trustworthy guy ha ha.

- Fifty Shades of Grey - What I wanna know is, how the hell are they going to do this? Let's fake it, 99% of the book is sex, not just any sex either. How will they work this out? This could seriously make or break this whole series for me. No pressure though ;)

- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 - I already loved the first two, I'm not too worried about this one, thank god!

- Significance - I read the series a while ago, and was sorta half and half. I couldn't decide between really liking it and loving it. That sounds super weird. It makes sense to me. It's all about finding your significant, your soul mate, if you will. Honestly, it could be a beautiful movie.

- If I Stay - I sobbed whilst reading the book. Big, fat tears. When I first saw the cast, I was all oh hell no purely because, regardless of the fact that we are told Mia's age, I still imagined her to be older. What, it worked better for me. Now? I'm all good with it. I just hope the movie makes me cry big, fat tears too!

- The Maze Runner - I haven't read the book yet, but It's high on my TBR list! Another one that seems different, in a good way of course!

- The Morganville Vampires - Okay, technically, this is going to be a web series, not a movie, but it still has a right to be on the list! I'm skeptical with this one. Really. Huh.

The following list includes books that, according to IMDB will be adapted.

- Obsidian - This book was awesome. I think I need a reread right now. This one, I really hope makes it to the big screen!

- Before I fall - A stand alone novel that had me in tears. Way sad guys. What would you do if you had to relive your last day on earth over and over again until you right all your wrongs?

- Shiver - Another one I'm excited about! How long has it been since we had a good ol' werewolf movie? No vampires or other creatures, just pure wolf entertainment?

- Heist Society - The books are YA, entertaining nonetheless. It sure will be something different to the usual paranormal/dystopian/contemporary romance movies that seem to dominate the big screen.

- Gallagher Girls - Another YA series that I found entertaining regardless of it's target audience. Again, it's slightly different that what we usually expect to find in cinemas these days. What would you do if you're all girls school was really a secret training facility for the CIA? Man, I'd love that shit!

- Beautiful Disaster - Okay, so I know film rights and all that sorta thing have been sorted, but I'm really unsure about this. I thought I would love nothing more than to see my all time favourite book hit the cinema, but now, I'm unsure. Really, what if I hate it? I doubt I will, but come on. It could ruin my dream Travis :(

- Paper Towns - This book confused me. I have no idea why, it just did. I felt like something was missing. I think it will be a nice little one off movie though!

- Firelight - Dragons! Hurrah! I did a happy wiggle when I read this one. I've had a weird obsession with them since Harry Potter. Super happy about this one guys.

So, what do you think?

That's all for today's mini, random post. And hey, it's Friday! Smiles all around.

CJ x

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Good morning guys and dolls. Today's post is really just a big ball of crap. There isn't a review. There isn't a recommendation or a freebie or anything like that. What I want to bitch about today is the whole Books to Movies thing that seems to have everyone in a bit of a tizzy.

The debate about whether books should be on the big screen has been going on forever. After Twilight, it seems everyone has gone crazy when their dreams of their favourite books becoming movies may just became real. I myself seem to sit on the fence with this. Sometimes, I get super excited about the movies, about seeing some of my favourite characters come to life. Others, not so much. Sometimes, it's just better to leave our imagination to it without putting a specific face to a name, you know?

Take The Hunger Games for example. I adore the books. I honestly love them. Did I imagine Katniss would look like Jennifer Lawrence? Hell no. What about everyone else? Not one person in the movie is how I imagined the characters to be. Was I bummed? Sure, but I still loved the movie. Personally, I think it was done just right. I'm sure many of you will disagree, and that's cool.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is another movie that I could not wait to see. Did I read the book? Some of it. At the time, it wasn't really my thing. The movie, I loved. I thought it was brilliant. Now, I'm almost scared to read the books because I know I'll be constantly comparing the two. Let's take Vampire Academy as another example. I read all the books a while ago, they are seriously some of the best books I have read. Love, love these! And then...they made a movie. Now it isn't out here in the UK, we're always last here, but I have read so many reviews. It seems a fair split between loving and hating it. This my friends, does NOT give me happy belly flutters. This gives me nervous, bad belly flutters. This could ruin things for me. Seem a tad too dramatic?  Dramatic is my middle name today.

It seems that recently though, so many, almost too many, books are in the process of being adapted into movies. This bugs me. Why? Like I said before, sometimes, it's better to leave our imagination to it. I'm sure when the time comes, I won't be able to stop myself from going to see them, I know, I'm a walking contradiction. Believe me, more than one person has told me this. It's just that, once I've seen the trailers and posters promoting them, I think what the hell? I already know who is playing who so why not see how it plays out. GAH! I stress myself out too much ha ha.

I think I will leave it at that today folks! I need to chill out, maybe with a little help from Magic Mike ;)

CJ x

So here's the thing

It seems that I have made a major f##k up. That being I forgot to update the reviews page. **sighs**. This guy's, is the story of my life. Just when I think I'm on track..BANG! I realise I was totally wrong.

This is just a quick post to say, again, I will sort this ASAP. It's gonna take me a while, because I have reviews saved everywhere. My laptop,  my sissys laptop, mommas laptop, my phone.

Oh! Now for the good part. Email or comment with some recommendations,  why you love em, why everyone should read em. I'm also looking into doing a giveaway of some sort, but need to look into gifting from amazon US and the like. It will be my first ever giveaway too! So comment with what kindle books you would like too.

Now my lovelies, I bid you goodnight! Or goodmorning, good afternoon and everything inbetween , depending where you are.

CJ x

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Freebies make the world a better place

Why, good afternoon! A big hello from the not so sunny UK. That's right. It's raining. Again. Not only is the weather depressing me, this whole moving process is too. Now, I'm all moved in, the furniture is where I want it to be, the beds are made, the cupboards are full of food. What more is there to do? Well, here's the thing. I unpacked the necessities. What I failed to unpack was all those annoying little bits and bobs we all have. You know, the clothes you hardly wear but can't bring yourself to get rid of, the kitchen utensils that you don't actually know the purpose of. Okay, so there are still boxes everywhere. This sucks. I did manage to unpack all my books. That's a bonus right?

Now that little rant it over, let's get on with today's post! FREEBIES. I know, I usually post these at the weekend, but I need something to cheer me up today. Freebies totally to that.

-Where there's smoke by Jodi Picoult - UK link Here, US link Here 

- Tristan: Finding Hope by Jessica Sorensen - UK link Here , US link Here

- Very Wicked Beginnings by Ilsa Madden-Mills - UK link Here , US link Here

- Finding Cinderella by Colleen Hoover - UK link Here, US link Here

- Her Vampire Husband by Michele Hauf - UK link Here, US link Here.

- Selling Scarlett by Ella James - UK link Here, US link Here.

- Secret Seduction by Jill Sanders - UK link Here, US link Here

- Unbroken (Shattered Promises 2.5) by Jessica Sorensen - UK link Here, US link Here

- Shattered Promises (#1) by Jessica Sorensen - UK link Here, US link Here

- Ember X (Death Collectors #1) by Jessica Sorensen - UK link Here, US link Here

- Darkness Falls by Jessica Sorensen - UK link Here, US link Here

- War of the Fae (#1) by Elle Casey - UK link Here, US link Here

- A Beautiful Lie (#1) by Tara Sivec - UK link Here, US link Here

- This Beautiful Thing by Amanda Heath - UK link Here, US link Here

- Being Kalli by Rebecca Berto - UK link Here, US link Here

- Chasing Beautiful by Pamela Ann - UK link Here, US link Here

There you go guys.A quick list of today's freebie finds. Remember, they were free when posted, always remember to double check the price before purchasing!

And with that my lovelies, I bid you goodbye. There's a coffee cake in the fridge with my name on it. No, really, it has my name on it  ha ha.

CJ x

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Review: Happenstance by Jamie McGuire

What is this? Another review, on the same day? Why yes my lovelies, yes it is. What can I say? I have some catching up to do!

I'm sure you all know by now, I am one huge ass Jamie Mcguire fan. I am not ashamed to admit that I'm a total fan girl when it comes to this lady. I sit and clock watch, counting down the seconds whilst syncing Mr Kindle to see if the book has been downloaded yet. It happened with Beautiful Disaster, it happened with Walking Disaster, it happened with Happenstance, and you got it, it's gonna happen with Beautiful Oblivion.
**Sighs**. Maybe I need to join a therapy group for this? Or not ;)

HappenstanceNow, I've seen some pretty pissy reviews. Oh yeah, I busted out the italic right there for a reason. See, you cannot call these things reviews. Nuh uh. It says right on the cover that it is a novella.Meaning, short. Meaning less detail. Let's admit it, it's true, it's acceptable. So why do people still feel the need to point out how short it was? Okay, I agree, I totally could have gone for some more Weston, I freakin love the guy, of course I want more of him. What I cannot deal with is people saying shit like "it would have been five stars but I'm only giving it three because of the length".  I mean, seriously? And you know these are frequent readers. You know they know the difference. **Pulls angry face**. GAH!  Total touchy spot for me right there. I cannot understand why people do this. And I'm only a blogger! Authors, you all deserve gold star stickers and lollypops.

Okay, I swear, my mini meltdown thing has passed. I'm gonna review in






Why hello there! You have reached CJ's Book Blog, the safe part of the review. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the rest of this post. Hee hee. 

Happenstance had be laid awake at night trying to sort out my crazy ass emotions. I had finished the book earlier in the day. I had hours to sort my shit out. Clearly, I failed. I didn't know what to think, hell, I still don't. I liked Weston, but I also wanted, no, needed him to sort his shit out. If you have read my other reviews, you know I despise live triangles. Now I'm not saying there is one, or any cheating, but it hints at it. Does that make sense? Nothing actually happens, but it totally could have if Easter had agreed. Maybe. Gah! See, this dude has me so confused I don't even know what the hell I want to say anymore. Okay, deeps breaths CJ. Focus. What does McGuire have for us this time?

#1 New York Times Bestseller Jamie McGuire returns to self-publishing with this page-turning YA account of Erin Easter, one of three Erins in the small senior class of rural Blackwell High School who not only share a first name, but also their birthday. Easter, raised by a neglectful single mom, keeps to herself and admires Weston Gates from afar. The other Erins, Erin "Alder" Alderman and Erin "Sonny" Masterson are the darlings of the community: daughters of the two wealthiest families in town, best friends, cheerleaders, and everything Easter isn't--and they never let her forget it. Alder has even claimed Weston since the 8th grade. 

Weston is a well-liked star athlete, and the son of two prominent attorneys. He struggles daily with the pressures of living up to his family name and secretly empathizes with Easter's feeling that she belongs somewhere else; in a different life. Not until he begins sneaking nights out with Easter does he gain the courage to buck expectations and acknowledge his feelings ... both for his future, and for her. 

A shocking tragedy rocks the tiny town, and Easter's life is turned upside down in the best way possible. But when the truth is revealed and everything she thinks she wanted falls into her lap, life only becomes more complicated.

We all expect things to feel slightly rushed with a novella, and it's acceptable pretty much all the time, because usually, authors do a damn good job. I can't say this felt rushed. We get to see the main characters relationship develop. We still get the good and the bad. Granted, it doesn't have that oomf that full length novels do, but still, it's there. It's a beautiful story. The ending, now that was a little crazy. I still don't know what to think of it. See, I want more. I want to know what happens next, I want to know if Easter suddenly becomes Queen B or if she shies away from everything even more. I just want one big fat HEA.

My overall rating for this is 4. Purely because of the ending. The writing itself was beautiful as always though! All you Travis Maddox fans, get on this! Say hello to another McGuire man ;)

(Random Note: How beautiful is the cover?)

Review: Changing Course by Aly Martinez

Hurrah! I'm really posting a review! **silly dances around the room** 

Changing Course (Wrecked and Ruined, #1)This is my most recent read and I'm excited to share this with you guys. I came across this whilst browsing the Kindle store. It was a recommendation based upon previous purchases, had some really good reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads alike, so I thought what the hell? It was cheap too, less that £2, so I wasn't gonna be super disappointed if it was, well, crap.

I met Sarah Kate Erickson when I was twenty-one years old. I was lucky enough to keep her for seven years before a tragic accident stole her from me. She didn’t die, but sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had. 

I lived in a haze for those four years after the accident. Catering to her every need, even though she hated the very sight of my face. I tried to hold on to her and the future that we were supposed to build together. But you can’t hold on to someone that doesn’t exist anymore. 

It wasn’t until I met Jesse Addison, a barista at the local coffee shop, that I realized I didn’t just lose Sarah that tragic night, I lost myself as well. Jesse taught me how to let go of the past and learn to love again. But what happens when your past haunts your present, and the woman you used to love refuses to accept the woman you can’t live without? 

Okilydokily. Down to the good stuff. What did I love? I loved how Brett was a generally nice guy. There is no other way to describe him. Okay, there totally is but we'll get to that later ;)

I actually admire him. Now don't get me wrong, there were times where I wanted to strangle him, maybe give his head a little bang against the wall, but overall, oh man. He's super sweet, maybe a little too eager to make everyone else happy at times, at least it seems that way until you really get to know him. I don't think I have read a book with a character like him.

The other characters? I have a serious love/hate relationship going on with them at the moment. I wanna explain why, but I'm afraid I might spoil it for you all. me. Read it and let me know what you all think of them. :)

Now, the book overall. It has the right balance between pretty much every emotion I could feel. That sounds silly, I know. It has angst, it has humor, it will make you squirm whilst reading those sexy scenes. It is perfect.

I wasn't expecting much, I hadn't read about this on any other blogs that I stalk (hee hee!) all previous information I had was from like, three Goodreads reviews and maybe one from Amazon. I truly thought that if it was so good, why hadn't I heard of it before. This is one of those awful habits of mine. I'm working on it. Some of the best books I have ever read are ones that nobody seemed to be talking about. It still shocks me each and every time though, I feel like I have found lost treasure!

Back to it. Overall, 5 stars. It has the potential to be more sure, but it's a beautifully written piece of perfection.

So this happened

I wrote three weeks ago. Oh yes, three damn weeks ago. Why have I been away for so long? Oh where to begin. My best friend had a baby! I almost ran away with the gorgeous little munchkin, then remembered how badly I cope with crying babies. My new role? The totally awesome adoptive Auntie Jay (apparently this will be easier to learn than CJ, personally, I think my friend it just lazy), I'm the Auntie who encourages food fights (it's been known to happen). **Sighs**
What else? I moved. It's not interesting (to you) but to me? It's like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one. The downside, I left everything until the last minute. I'm talking moving day last minute. Seriously, everyone was packing everything into various cars and I'm stood in the middle of my old room just glaring at my clothes. They ended up crammed into boxes. Yup. And yes, they're still there.

I've had birthday parties, engagement parties, weddings, and just generally random as hell parties to attend. It's been crazy. And I have loved every damn second of it. But now, it's time to do something that I have missed! Review! I've read a fair few books recently, and I finally have the time to have a little rant about them. So,  my lovely readers, enjoy!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

I'm back..

Hello my fellow book lovers, I am back! 

I haven't posted in, according to this anyway, a month. A whole freakin' month. Why? Uh, I don't have any particular reason if I'm honest. I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe because I had nothing to read/recommend/review?

It's all okay though! This past week, I found my weird book mojo thing, so reviews will be posted later today/early tomorrow morning. And yeah, when I say early tomorrow morning, I totally mean like 2am. 

On that note my lovelies, I'm out! Authors to stalk, shit to write. You know how it goes ;)

CJ x

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Review: The Will by Kristen Ashley

Happy Release Day KA! 
So, so, so damn happy that the wait for this little gem of a book is O.V.E.R. Over. Hurrah!

It's been a very productive day here, productive as in, I have done nothing but devour a ton of chocolate, coffee, and the book. **Sighs** I love days like this. Simply perfect.

The Will (Magdalene Series, #1)Now you know me, a new KA book? I'm all over that shit. But today's book? Totally baffled me. Oh, in a good way though. Why baffled? I don't think I have ever read a KA book that gave me such an eye opening experience..reaction? It made me think. It also made me appreciate just how damn good my life it, but that my friends, is a story for another day.

As you know, KA books are all about Drama. With a capital D. They can be slightly unrealistic, but not too unrealistic. Hey, sometimes we need that. This one? Hit me in the gut. Yup. Sucker punched. This is primarily because it was so damn believable. There wasn't all the drama, hell, even Jake wasn't as Alpha as some of her other guys. Okay, that's not really true, he just wasn't as in your face about it as say..Knight or Luke. Did that have any negative influence? Oh, fuck no! If anything, I fell more in love with the dude.

Okay, Okay. Getting slightly ahead of myself again. First off, maybe I should explain what it's all about?

"Early in her life, Josephine Malone learned the hard way that there was only one person she could love and trust: her grandmother, Lydia Malone. Out of necessity, unconsciously and very successfully, Josephine donned a disguise to keep all others at bay. She led a globetrotting lifestyle on the fringes of the fashion and music elite, but she kept herself distant. 

While Josephine was trotting the globe, retired boxer Jake Spear was living in the same small town as Lydia. There was nothing disguised about Jake. Including the fact he made a habit of making very bad decisions about who to give his love. 

But for Josephine and Jake, there was one person who adored them. One person who knew how to lead them to happiness. And one person who was intent on doing it. 

Even if she had to do it as her final wish on this earth."

That shit right there ^^^, left me speechless. Just that tiny snippet, I knew I needed this. I knew it would deliver. I loved everything. I cannot possibly give this book a review that will do it justice. What I can say is that it was funny, it held my attention (all day!) and it was beautifully written. Less of the crazy, more of the soft, sweet moments. And yes, steamy sex is still there of course!

I loved how Lydia gave Jake and Josie, and his kids, a beautiful gift. I loved how she made damn sure her treasure was kept safe, was protected. I loved how she explained her intentions on tape. Hell, I loved every damn thing.

What I will add, what I don't think I have ever had the mind to mention before in a review, is that the detail in this book? Amazing. Truly appreciated. I cannot begin to understand how this lady does pretty much everything so damn good. Gah!

5 stars? No, too low. I cannot rate this. But guys? Go one click this beauty. Have those eyes opened.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Review: Wildest Dreams (Fantasyland #1) by Kristen Ashley

Good morning guys and dolls. Yes I said morning, because technically it is. MmHm. Right now, in the not so sunny, no so hot, damn right depressing UK it is 12.30 a.m. Why am I awake?
1. I have a new obsession with american TV shows that we never get to see here. Netflix, I love you.
2. I'm hungry, but too darn lazy to do anything about it.
3. I am ready to review!

It's taken me a while to process everything. I know, I shouldn't read a whole series before doing this, but I could NOT stop, nor did I want to ;)

As I said...last week? Huh, lost time. Well, whatever. I promised reviews, and here they are! See, didn't let ya down after all.

Wildest Dreams (Fantasyland, #1)You know me (sorta) and you know (most definitely) that if a book hits the spot, I write like crazy. I am a woman on a mission. This time..I couldn't. I knew I wouldn't be able to write the right words. I could not do it justice, hell, I'm pretty sure I still can't..but here we go anyway...

The Fantasyland series by KA is one that I have put off reading for a while. I wasn't ready to turn my back on good ol' standard (is there such a thing?) romance. Alpha romance that is. I wasn't ready for new worlds, okay, universes. I wasn't ready to be taken back in time or to a place where men treat women like trophies. And no, at first, it's not the good kinda trophy, but we'll get to that later. I wanted safe, sexy alphaness that KA always delivers. But...I did it. I had too. Needed a KA fix and these babies were there screaming "Bitch, you better read us now"

I did. Duh. I was unsure, and in the end? Pleasantly surprised. Wildest dreams went against everything I thought I wanted. It was upsetting, it was unusual. It was intense, had me chewing my cheeks and up all night. Hurrah! So what's it about?

Seoafin “Finnie” Wilde was taught by her parents that every breath was a treasure and to seek every 

adventure she could find. And she learns this lesson the hard way when they perish in a plane crash. But 

she never forgets and when she discovers there is a parallel universe where every person has a twin, she 

finds a witch who can send her there so she can have the adventure of a lifetime. 

But upon arrival in the Winter Wonderland of Lunwyn, she realizes she’s been played by her twin and 

finds herself walking down the aisle to be wed to The Drakkar. 

Thrown into inauspicious circumstances, with years of practice, Finnie bests the challenges and digs into 

her adventure. But as Frey Drakkar discovers the woman who is his new wife is not Princess Sjofn, a 

woman he dislikes but instead, his Finnie, a free-spirit with a thirst for venture just like him, without her 

knowledge he orders his new bride bound to his frozen world, everlasting. 

But at the same time Frey plunges Finnie into a web of political intrigue that includes assassination plots, 

poison, magic, mystery and… dragons.

Let me point out right here, I may have actually hated Frey at first. Silly, silly man! Oh, he pissed me off. I may have said several..uh..well unladylike like words to him. No, really. I spoke to the pages like he was real and could hear me. Okay, enough of hearing how weird I am!

I hated him. I adored Finnie, how could I not? But I panicked, would this be the first KA alpha that I didn't fall head over heels in love with? What was happening? Was the world ending, would pigs begin to fly? Or worse, would there be no coffee in the morning? Dum dum DUM!!!

It's okay, do not panic! All is right in KA land! I ended up totally, completely falling for him. YAY! **happy wiggle**

This book? It is magic. Pure, honest to god magic guys. Is it perfect writing? Fuck no, but then nothing is perfect. The storyline? That's as close to it as it could possibly be. I was completely enchanted by this book. After my initial hatred that is. There's just something about it. I didn't love everything in it, fuck, I didn't even like everything, but there was just something telling me to continue. That in the end, it would be totally worth it. Nice to know I can rely on my gut feeling now and again hehe.

4.5 stars!

p.s. TOTALLY want a dragon..

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

So here's the deal..

I've been wanting to do some sort of competition for a while. I just don't know what exactly. See, I'm assuming, thanks to twitter, that most of you guys are from the US, while lil ol' me lives in the not so sunny, not so great, cold as fuck UK. Really, it's cold. And rains constantly. But that's a story (moan?) for another day.

I want to do a competition. A give away. A free kindle book maybe? Gift card? I need to research this. But! What I want to know is, what do you want? Competition and prize wise. And come on guys, be reasonable. :)

So here is The Plan. You all need to tweet away, comment away, email away, you get the idea. I want to know you're ideas. I also want you to spread the word. Once I reach..

shall we say..

200 followers? Yup, seems like a good number. 200 followers on Twitter and I'll do a giveaway.

I'm excited to do this!

Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth

Good morning my lovelies!

Divergent (Divergent, #1)Why am I so chipper this morning? Did I really just say chipper?
Yup, totally did. I may have had a little too much coffee. And sugar. And fizzy pop. He he. I'm like a kid today. Okay **takes deep breath, full body wiggle** I am calm.

What's gotten me so excited, besides all the crap I consume, is this book. It seems that everyone has read this. Okay, so not everyone-everyone. More like, every blog I read, they've all read it. Yeah. So, I put it off for a super long time. Too long. And with the movie coming out, and I knew I would be going to see it, I thought it would be best to read the books first. I'm not gonna lie, at first, totally didn't work for me. But, BUT that was only because it had been so damn long since I read anything other than serious Alpha crap, my poor brain didn't know what was happening.

The little pink brain, sitting in the weird brainy library at the back of my actual brain was like "wow, wow, WOW there girlie, what is happening here? What is this text you are reading? Where are the handcuffs, blindfolds and whips? Where are the big, bad men who take what they want and give their women some serious shit to be happy about?" Poor Brainy, he had a little panic there. Fear not! I got over it, and when I did...


So, what's all the fuss about?

In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago world, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the 

cultivation of a particular virtue--Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), 

Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-

olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is 

between staying with her family and being who she really is--she can't have both. So she makes a 


that surprises everyone, including herself

It's intense. It didn't make my heart stop, but god, I loved it. I don't know how to explain my reactions while reading, because one minute I would be rooting for Tris, the next I would be close to tears. I loved Four. I loved her friends. I loved her family.

I can't review this so good right now. I just needed to write something, anything. The only downside? And this might sound super odd, but I would have liked to read more in the scenes revolving around her parent's..towards the end. I don't want to add spoilers right now. But yeah, that's the only real thing I can find fault with!

5 stars!

I'll update the review once my brain can function properly hehe.

Monday, 24 March 2014

: Fantasyland Series by Kristen Ashley

I'm back.

It's been a while, but honestly? I haven't had any reason to write lately. Sure, I could have posted but it would be totally random, well, shit.

As you can see, todays surprise post (hey, it is a surprise, I never write lately, remember?) is a mini review. It's a mini cause' I loved this series, but I feel like I still need a little time to reflect or I'd just waffle on. Nothing new there though he he.

So, I've read almost all KA books, and loved em. But this series? I put it off. I wasn't really ready to give up super alpha hotness where it could totally happen to me. Nuh uh. I was not there yet. And happened.

I had nothing to read, nothing sounded even remotely good. And I saw these babies on my every growing TBR list. So I thought to myself what the hell, right? What's the worst that could happen. Ah, see, turns out the worst that can happen is you spend a whole weekend holed up in what is now referred to as The Pit. It's like a man cave, with a twist. I say man cave cause it's a total mess. Coke bottles, chocolate wrappers, comfy yet disturbingly holey clothes required. **sighs** I love it there!

And yes, I really did spend the whole weekend there, alone with four amazing books. MmHm. FOUR!
Now some of you might think this is weird, how do I have time to absorb everything and reflect? I don't, I just sorta shove through it, and spend quite a while after doing the reflecting. I can;t explain it, it just works for me.

They get a mini review because they're just awesome. I enjoyed some more than others, but as one, they are the shit guys. There were moments where I wanted to cry, maybe I did? Times where I was pretty damn disgusted if I'm honest. And then..I so got the guys. No joke, I understood them. I knew (as well as I could anyway) how they thought, where they were coming from. Even that scene in the beginning of The Golden Dynasty? I cried, I..words cannot possibly begin to describe how I felt. But in the end? Totally got it. Is that weird? I do not condone abuse of any kind, but the way this was written, I dunno. I just got it. Sorta.

Oh who am I kidding? You're not gonna understand me. Just trust me, they're damn hard to read at times, but so fucking worth it. Honestly!

So, I said review didn't I? Yup, lied again. I just wanted to rave about these beauties. Full reviews will be posted this week!


Sunday, 9 March 2014

Books to movies: Instant Death?

Good afternoon my lovelies!

Good weekend? Huh, mine was pretty good too.

So, you're reading this right now and wondering what the hell I'm talking (writing?) about this particular subject for, am I right? I swear, I have a reason. The main being I can't find the energy to write a review right now. Nope. It's a chill day.

Since Twilight became a movie hit, is it just me, or are the movie guys going a little crazy trying to turn some of our favorite books into the next big thing to hit the screens? Don't get me wrong, sometimes I really, really wish there was a movie based on a book I've read. And others, I feel as thought it would ruin everything I came up with inside my weird little head. Make sense?

Take Fifty Shades of Grey as an example. People are going mental over the fact that it will be on the big screen next year. People have bitched about who's playing who. We get it, you don't like them. It is not the end of the world, just don't go see the movie! Hmm. Okay, I admit, I may have bitched a little. But in all honesty, that was because I had a totally different image of Christian in my head. Each to their own and all that. Will I see the movie? You're damn right I will. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to.

I think the problem with adaptations is that everyone will have something to complain about. And they will think that they're the only ones who feel this way. Also, some of the best bits are going to be missed out, some of our favorite scenes will be tweaked, sometimes a little too much. I'm all for a little constructive criticism, hell, as a reviewer, I do this shit in my sleep. But I do it nicely. 

I got sidetracked then didn't I. The point I'm trying to make is...
Are all these upcoming movies going to be worth it? I loved the Twilight series. Sure they were a times, but overall, I enjoyed them. I was browsing IMDB last week, and saw a list. On it was countless movies that are due to be made, based on some of the most amazing books I have ever read. But you know what? I don't think they need to do this. So many of my friends have seen the movies, I tell them to read the books, and they ask "why should I? I saw the movie".

Movies take something special away from books. They take away the opportunity for someone to use their imagination, to tweak things here and their with their own minds, to really get a good grip on the potential outcome. I can't explain this right. I know, I'm rambling again.

What books are on the list? Well, there's If I Stay which I loved. This one, I think would be worth turning into a movie. I don't think they could go too wrong with it.

Then there's Fallen. Now this one, this I have to admit I really don't want to be turned into a movie. I'm sure some of you are sat there screaming at me, what can I say? I love seeing things play out in my mind. I love having my own personal movie going on. I love the fact that I get something out of a book that is unique to me. It's special.

Oh man, I've pissed myself off with this. I really should have known it would happen.

What I want to know is, what do you guys think? Pro's and con's? Tweet me, comment, get you're opinion out there! And please, let's keep this nice guys. :)

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Book Hell

I've been in hell.

Yup. I said it. Why hell you ask? Oh, I'll tell you.

You know when you're walking alone, birds are chirping, suns shining, and it's a just a great day? Okay, so the weather has sucked lately, but you get the idea. So there you are, plodding along. Then you get a feeling that everything is going too smoothly....

and suddenly...


Everything goes wrong. MmHm. You've been there? Yeah. Me too. I had tons of books on my TBR list, I had finally settled on what to read..and then..the internet died. Why was this a problem? Because I am such an unorganized shit. Yup. See, I didn't buy the books. Nope. They were sitting nicely in my Amazon basket, begging to be bought. They were there because I'm always in two minds what to buy. Back to the point, I hadn't bought them.

Now, I could have read something I already had right? RIGHT??
Nuh uh. See..I was stupid again. Mr Kindle Senior, god bless his soul, died. And Mr Kindle Junior (laptop app), well, I lost the charger. So I was left with Baby Kindle on my phone. Not bad, until I realised I hadn't downloaded all of my books. I had like, maybe three? Well, three that I hadn't read. **Sighs, what an idiot!**

Let me just point out right now, if you don't read like a maniac, you cannot understand what that meant to me. I felt like...I dunno. I have no idea where I was going with that.

Hmm, what else happened? Oh! Power cut. It keeps getting better doesn't it? It's okay, I'd laugh too.

Was there light at the end of the tunnel? Did the book gods decide to have pity on me and give me hope? NO!. Maybe I did something bad recently. Maybe this happened 'cause I'm so unorganised and never get reviews up when I should? Karma, bitches.

I got sidetracked again, my bad. I'm now back to the start, as always, and have no bloody idea what to read. I have nothing to review. I totally lied then. I have tons to review, like old reads, but my minds not into it today. I need something fresh, something that will tear me apart, leave me with no hope and then, at the last second, give me the fuzzies.

With that note, I will have to say goodbye! I'm on a important top secret mission right now.
Yeah, is browsing amazon and stalking my fave authors for new releases classed as a secret mission?


Friday, 21 February 2014

Review: A Different Blue by Amy Harmon

So, I've been looking through Mr Kindle again, and found tons of books that I need to review. I say this all the time, but I am sorting this out today! It's been interesting, that's for sure. Some books, I remembered straight away, others..not so much.

A Different BlueThis one stuck with me. I read it almost a year ago, and I still get tingles just thinking about it. It isn't your usual romance. It's not even your usual teacher/student romance thing. Nope. It is so much more. It's powerful, it is written just right. I totally went all three bears there didn't I? He he. It's true though. I didn't get that weird feeling that I usually do when reading about teacher/student relationships. Why? Well, the whole background story. I was totally rooting for these two. Weird. That never happens until around 60% in. Oh, I was all for these guys right from the start.

Blue Echohawk has no clue who she is. She doesn't know who her parents are, where she was born, hell, she doesn't even know her real birthday. She was abandoned when she was 2, and a drifter raised her as his own. That sounds really odd doesn't it? I thought so too, but honestly, it's super sweet when you get into it.

She didn't begin school until she was ten, and now at nineteen, she's a senior in high school. Blue is..difficult. She's totally bad ass on the outside. How could she not be? She doesn't identify with anyone. Oh, but her shit is about to end. At least it is in school. For now. He he.

Enter Mr British teacher! MmHm. Now, I'm form the UK, so when I read about British teachers, I totally imagine them talking like I do. I've been told that some of you US guys read it all proper and posh. Whatever works. Sorry, random thought right there. Back to it!

Blue tests him. She isn't used to anyone giving a damn about her, anyone apart from the man who raised her that is.

I want to say, right now, that this really is not like anything I have read in this genre. It isn't all about Blue falling for her teachers and keeping everything a secret. Sure that plays into it, but it is in no way the main element to the story.

They bond. They form an amazing friendship, They test each other, they hurt one another. And when all's said and done, they love. I cannot do this book justice with this review. I could rave on forever, but I won't. I highly recommend this one guys! If you haven't one clicked yet, well, what are you waiting for?


Thursday, 13 February 2014

Review: Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

Archer's Voice (A Sign of Love)I've had trouble lately deciding what sorta book I want to read. I have moment's like this, not often, but when they come, oh boy. Sometimes, you need something that is the opposite of what you thought you needed. Am I making sense? Huh.

I will give every book a chance. If it catches my eye, I'll nab a sample and get a feel for it. Archer's Voice was a book that I didn't really want to read. Now, don't get me wrong, what I mean is that I didn't want to read it at that particular time. I thought I was ready for something steamy, fast paced, maybe even a little dark. Ah, but as you can see, that did not happen. I couldn't find anything that kept my attention. And then..this popped up.

I'd read the blurb quite a while ago, decided I would read it at some point since I loved Leo. With nothing else catching my eye, I thought why not give it a go? Worst case scenario, I put it down and read it later. Didn't happen. Nuh uh. I was hooked. I don't know what happened, but I stayed up until the early hours to finish this. It was addictive, quietly seductive. Here's the blurb:

"When Bree Prescott arrives in the sleepy, lakeside town of Pelion, Maine, she hopes against hope that this is the place where she will finally find the peace she so desperately seeks. On her first day there, her life collides with Archer Hale, an isolated man who holds a secret agony of his own. A man no one else sees. 

Archer's Voice is the story of a woman chained to the memory of one horrifying night and the man whose love is the key to her freedom. It is the story of a silent man who lives with an excruciating wound and the woman who helps him find his voice. It is the story of suffering, fate, and the transformative power of love."

Sounds great right? Lots of drama? Okay, so technically there is a dramatic background story. But for me, the main focus of this book? It was the forming and development of the bond between Archer and Bree. Both have their own demons to handle, and they do okay on their own, but together? Shit, they destroy them. It really is quite freaking amazing to read. You sort of forget everything. You hurt and you laugh, cry, it can be overwhelming at times, make no mistake. The sheer beauty of this book is that it refuses to let you go until the very last page, it teaches us to be thankful for all we have, and because it has a realistic feel to it, you connect with the characters from the very first page.

It's amazing. I could rave about this all day, really, I could. I won't though. The blurb does not cover it, reviews could not do it justice. A truly brilliant book that is beautifully written and will leave a mark on your heart.

5+++++ stars!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Review: Fighting Temptation by K.C. Lynn

I haven't posted in a week. Why? Because I forgot to click the little schedule post box. Yeah, silly.
So while I've gone crazy over Witches Of East End (how freakin' good is this?) Mr Blog hasn't posted anything. My bad. I told you I suck at this stuff.

Since I have no idea where my posts are right now, you get a review. A review of a book that confused me. Not in a bad way, not really. It just left me feeling really weird.

Remember when I said I hate giving low star reviews cause I feel bad? Yeah? Just checking.

Fighting Temptation (Men of Honor, #1)What was my problem? Okay, I'll start by saying this. The book was good. Honestly, it was. The plot wasn't super dramatic as such, the history between the two main characters was interesting to read about. And it had a HEA (you know they're the best!). But..I feel like it could have been more. Don't ask me how, cause I cannot tell you. I don't know myself. I do know it has the potential to be an amazing read. At times, it read a little robotic. A lot of I am not rather than I'm not involved, especially when two characters were interacting. Maybe it's just me who finds this sorta annoying? Huh.

Okay, this is where the good parts are, I swear!

Julia and Jaxson have a special bond that no one seems to understand. It began one night when Julia prayed for help, prayed for the first time since her mother died. And help came, in the form of the local bad boy, Jaxson. They're connected. It's sweet, maybe slightly predictable, but still, super sweet.

It's all good, but dum dum dum! Jaxson joins the Navy. That's right you perverted ladies! We have another SEAL! **waves pom-poms** ..and he is hot! Aren't they all? I lied..we have more than one SEAL in this baby. MmHm. We have three. :)

We reflect, and we move forward with this book. I wouldn't say it's the dramatic side to it that kept me reading on (yeah there is drama, but I don't feel as though that is the main focus here.) I would say it was Julia and Jaxson reconnecting. It was their constant battle with their emotions, how Jaxson refused the light and saw only darkness (if you read it, I'm talking about the uh..shit. Kitchen scene where he walks out? There, that didn't reveal anything! hehe). It's pain and beauty, light and dark.

As I said, there is potential for this. I really think it could be a huge success with a little tweaking! And nothing major, just a little less I am and a little more I'm. 

Overall rating is 3.5 stars.
I didn't love it. But I really enjoyed it. And did I mention it was a debut book? No? Oh, well not I have :) I think it's pretty darn good for a firstie!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Review: Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain #6) by Kristen Ashley

I haven't posted in a while. I know, I suck. You want to know what sucks more? The Flu.

Kaleidoscope (Colorado Mountain, #6)It's been too long, but I haven't read anything. Okay, that is a lie. Until today, I hadn't read anything. As you can see, I've got to know Jacob Decker. Hehe. Everyone knows I am a huge KA fan. I go all fan-girl when it comes to this lady. And I am proud!

I know there are no reviews for the Colorado Mountains series yet, and I really should post reviews in order, but I could not wait to tell you all about this! I tried, but Deck may very well be my new fave mountain man. MmHm. Totally is.

Not read any other books in the series yet? That's cool, these read pretty damn well as a stand alone. Of course, it's better if you read the first five, cause' you get a feel for the other characters and their stories, and you know how they work. It's great. But like I said, they totally work as stand alone's too.

So, what crazy ass story do we have to drool over today?

Jacob Decker and Emmanuelle Holmes haven't seen each other in nine long ass years. He was dating her best friend. Her best friend decided she wanted bigger, brighter things and got shot of Deck. Poor Deck. He's spent nine years in a constant state of confusion. I suppose you could say he..pined for Elsbeth.

When he stumbles upon Emme on the street, he doesn't recognise her. And our guy never forgets a face. Saying she's changed in a serious understatement. A case that brought him to Gnaw Bone gets personal. Oh yes, Emme is a suspect. Okay, so really, the police need to look into her cause' her current boyfriend is a total douche and he's connected to all the robberies that have been happening. Hey, they have to check her out! But Deck, oh boy, he does not like this shit. Nuh uh. No way. He clears her. Of course he does. He's Bad Ass.

Emme, sweet Emme, is all about rekindling their friendship. Deck, being an uber alpha, decides he's going for more. He he. There is no denying this man! When will they ever learn?

“Your girl?” I asked, my voice coming out in a near on squeak.
“Yeah,” he answered, his voice deep, low and firm. 
“This is, well…kinda weird.” Understatement! “And fast.” Extreme understatement!
“Met you twelve years ago and we’re just gettin’ here. I don’t call that fast. I call that a waste of fuckin’ time I’m about to rectify.”

The two dive head first into a passionate, sweet relationship. Until Emme fucks things up. Royally. Yup. She will do anything to pull away. The problem is, she doesn't even realise she's doing it until Deck tells her how it is and confronts her about it. Poor girl. Now, this isn't the..well..usual..KA girl in denial. Nope. It's something deeper.

Dark penetrates Emme's life. Something from her past constantly overshadows her, influencing her in a way she never thought possible. She's ignored it. She's done it for so long, it isn't even a conscious thing anymore. Deck wants this shit sorted. And he gets it done!

I refuse to give anymore info on the plot. It would ruin it. This is one you need to experience for yourself, cause I think it's so much deeper than the others. Another thing I adored about this one was the whole story behind the kaleidoscope. Now that? That was a beautiful thing. Truly, it had me teary eyed whenever the thing would come into a scene.

I was surprised, pleasantly so, with how attached I became to their story. I was there with them, every step of the way. It's not packed with crazy drama like the others, this one is more personal. It hits you in the gut, it makes you think. It touches you, marks you.

Will everyone have the same reaction? Of course not. Will it leave some sort of mark on each reader? I believe so. It is a beautifully written story, and one helluva way to continue the series. I don't think I can find any fault with this one. I know, I say this about all KA books. What can I say, she's amazing!

5++++ stars

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Review: Work Me Down (Playing with Fire #3) by Tara Sivec

Worn Me Down (Playing with Fire, #3)I reviewed book 1 of the series, A Beautiful Lie, several days ago, and I swear, I was totally committed to reading book #2 right away. And then..well..I read the blurb for book #3. And I had to read it, right then. I know, I know, that's bad. But I couldn't help it. I could not get the damn thing out of my head, so I gave in.

Now,it is short. Ish. Okay, it's like 195 pages. Can we call that short? Huh. Okay.
Overall thoughts, it was a quick, sweet read. I enjoyed it. It stuck with me. Now, I hate saying this. It wasn't a 5 star read. Why? I was expecting something more. That really is all. I don't know what, but I was slightly disappointed at the end. It didn't have the punch that book one did. That said, I did enjoy it. If you wan't a little drama, a little sweetness and a lot of "get the fuck over it dude" moments, give this a shot.

So, what is this little bookaroo about?
Austin Conrad loves his job, but as a Navy SEAL, he's had to learn not to bring work home. Turn it off. Lose himself in women. Now you really can't blame him for this. Really, he's a SEAL, it's sorta expected. And that was a totally sexist, judgmental remark right there. Let me rephrase, it's totally expected in books. He he. His bets friend,Brady (yes that Brady) asks Austin to watch over his sister, Gwen. She's had some serous trouble form her ex, and now she wants nothing but a safe, secure life for herself and her daughter. She's always had her life controlled, be it by her parents or her ex. Freedom tastes sweet! When reminders of her past begin showing up mysteriously, Austin decided enough is enough. Hell, he's fallen for both Gwen and her girl, he needs to protect them...

And I'm leaving it there. There really isn't much more to it if I'm honest. Okay, so there's one big twist that I didn't see coming. Could it have gone further? I think so. I'm in two minds. It has the potential to be more, but maybe adding to it would ruin the sweetness of it. Huh. Either way, I loved it. I want a SEAL, like, right now.

So, Overall, it's a 4 star read!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Experiment In Terror series

As a follow up to yesterdays random review of Darkhouse by Karina Halle, I thought I would post the reading order list.

I also realised I  never gave a real introduction to the series, just the first book. Well, here that is anyway!

The series focuses on the lived of Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. The two are..well, ghost hunters. Okay, Dex is more of a camera man who shoots a variety of webisodes for a living and he may be pretty damn insistant that Perry has to help him by hosting a low budget series focusing on ghost hunters.

Now, as expected (yes we do expect a little somethin' **wiggles eyebrows**) Perry and Dex have a thing. By thing I mean a life filled with sexual tension. And Dex has a girlfriend. Who I think is a super bitch What can I say, I'm totally team Perry/Dex, even if they both piss me off.

Darkhouse (Experiment in Te...Darkhouse (EIT #1)
So, I reviewed this one the other day, but in a nutshell, this one focuses on introducing the two main characters rather than a big, crazy plot. It was nice to get a feel for the characters before diving into their adventures!

Red Fox (Experiment in Terr...Red Fox (EIT #2)
Remember the nice introductions in book 1? Well say goodbye to that! This is crazy. Perry and Dex travel to Red Fox, New Mexico to unravel the truths behind what they thought was your , shall we say usual, haunting's. Poor schmucks, they wouldn't have been more wrong. They thought it would be a nice easy trip to film their first episode. Nuh uh. It was quick paced, kept me on my toes and I admit, it may have scared me (just a little, I swear!). Oh, and there are more hot guys. What can I say, it seemed important that I add that!

The Benson (Experiment in T...The Benson (EIT #2.5)
Okay, so this one really creeped me out. It doesn't matter that it's short, it still has enough punch to keep you on your toes, looking in every dark corner to check that you're alone. Perry and Dex travel to The Benson, rumored to be the most haunted hotel in Portland. Are there really tormented souls walking the halls of The Benson? I'll let you find out. I will say this, even though it is short, it was amazing. Honestly, do not skip this!

Dead Sky Morning (Experimen...Dead Sky Morning (EIT #3)
This is the one that scared me the most. Alone on a creepy Island? Nuh uh. Experiment In Terror is finally receiving the recognition it deserves, so our favorite amateur ghost hunters travel to an Island that was home to a former leper colony, an island where forty souls were left to die and bury one another. Gross. Cruel. Blech. D'Arcy Island is now a campground. What could possibly happen now? Oh man, I did not see this coming. We're not looking at ghosts anymore guys, oh no, this is something else completely. The two are no longer fighting for their lives, they're fighting for their sanity and their friendship too. I have only one thought right now. I would love to be in a tent with Dex right now. Minus creepy Island of course. ;)

Lying Season (Experiment in...Lying Season (EIT #4)
Perry loves Dex. It's no secret that there is some serious as hell sexual tension between the two. In this installment we see Perry has to fight a spirit from Dex's past. Oh yeah, and spend a week with hi and his girlfriend. He he. I love this shit!

On Demon Wings (Experiment ...On Demon Wings (EIT #5)
Holy shit, this was intense! We don't see our favorite duo voluntarily search for supernatural happenings. Oh no, now the evil is at home. It's inside Perry, and only Dex can save her. MmHm. Despite all the drama within her family, she needs Dex. I totally sat teary eyed with this one. I love Perry. I have a big fat girl crush on her.

Old Blood (Experiment in Te...Old Blood (EIT #5.5)
Remember Creepy Clown Lady? Well she is back people! Woohoo! Is it weird that like her? Probably. I'm cool with that. Creepy Clown Lady, AKA Pippa, sent messages to Perry and Dex via EVP recordings. In this novella, we get to know the real Pippa, the one who's tortured past led to her death. What does this mean for Perry? Well, you'll have to go find out ;)

The Dex-Files (Experiment i...The Dex-Files (EIT 5.7)
Dex, oh how I love you. What is this you ask? A compilation novel told from Dex's POV? Oh yes! Do not read this if you have not read the previous books. It focuses on scenes from books 1-6, scenes that we primarily read from Perry's POV. It shines a whole new light on those. Want to get inside Dex's head? See what makes him tick? Click baby click!

Into the Hollow (Experiment...Into the Hollow (EIT #6)
Book 6 already? More Dex? Yes please! Perry says goodbye to home, and hello to Dex and his second chance. Hurrah! What happens when Urban Legend might be, well, true? Taking a trip to the Canadian Rockies doesn't seem so romantic right now. Nope. Perry must learn to trust Dex all over again when something so frightening leaves the two fighting for their lives. **sighs**. I really want Dex.

And With Madness Comes the ...And With Madness Comes the Light (EIT #6.5)
More from Dex's POV. **Happy dance** Hehe. Ever wonder what happened to Dex when Perry left? Now you don't have to! Time wise? It's set between the end on Lying Season (#4) and On Demon Wings (#5). I feel as though Dex deserves some super snuggles right now. Poor guy. 

Come Alive (Experiment in Terror, #7)Come Alive (EIT #7)
I'm re-reading this one right now in preparation for Ashes to Ashes being released in 5 days. FINALLY! Sometimes, living in the UK sucks, big time. We always get the goodies last. Oh well. Back to it. In Come Alive, Dex and Perry are finally giving the whole relationship thing a try. Hurrah! Hehe. BUT, Dex has to convince Perry that everything will work out, on more than one occasion. Poor guy, can't seem to get a break can he? Throw in a Voodoo Sect, Maximus and more Fat Rabbit, this one will keep you entertained until the very last page. Loved this!

What's next? Ashes to Ashes is already available in the US, for all you EIT fans in the UK, five days!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Review: Darkhouse (EIT #1) by Karina Halle

There's only on thing on the agenda for today: catch up on some old reviews.

I know, I really should have done them sooner. What can I say, I'm ridiculously easily distracted. All the reviews posted today are for books that I read quite a long time ago. Okay, so some aren't from that long ago. Oh, you know what I'm trying to say. Let's get down to business shall we?

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror, #1)Darkhouse was a freebie on Amazon when I first read it. From past experiences with freebies, I wasn't expecting it to be anything special if I'm honest. I'd never heard of the author before, never read any reviews on it, nothing. I wanted to mix things up a little with my reading, so thought a little paranormal would be perfect.

This book gave me one helluva book hangover. I couldn't put it down! Now, I feel as though I need to say this next part before I continue. I know there were some really negative reviews that tended to focus on the editing side of things. And yes, technically, what people said was right. In a way. What pissed me the hell off was how damn rude people were. A few spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, little things. Personally, I didn't think it had any negative effect on the book. Nothing serious. Sure, it didn't flow perfectly, and I had to re-read a few sentences here and there. But the book in general? Brilliant! So, if you can get over a few mistakes, great!

Okay, back to it.

Halle describes it as a pilot episode. She's right. In regards to the supernatural side? It's pretty simple. Being the first book in the series, she focused on the two main characters and the start of their friendship rather than all the creepy stuff. Pretty straight forward, but it works. It was a nice way to ease us into the world of Perry Palomino and Dex Foray. Damn, these two pissed me the hell off. Often. That said, I loved em enough to politely ignore their annoying behavior he he.

Perry is 22 and finding it difficult to figure out what she wants for life, normal right? Again, she's annoying at times (in a good way!) and easy to relate to in some way. Who can't relate to the whole "what do I want from life?" battle that everyone faces at some point? Add to that, she wants Dex. Oh, how I love this. There's a slight problem with that though..uh huh. You know it. Dex isn't single. Damn! 

Onto Dex. Can I just point out right here, that he is the fucking shit. You cannot help but love the guy. Weirdness and all, and trust me, the dude is seriously weird. He's a smartass, makes you laugh when you really do not want to (you want to stay mad damn it!) and he will leave you no choice but to simply accept the fact that he is under your skin and staying there. Period.

I already ranted about the spelling and shit above, so I won't repeat myself. I will say that it can feel as though the story is progressing slightly slower than you expect in some parts, but stick with it! The other books in the series just get better and better, I promise it will be worth it in the end!

Here's the blurb:
"Perry Palomino is not what you would call 'ordinary'. For one thing, there's her past which she likes to pretend never happened, and then there's the fact that she sees ghosts. Luckily for her, that all comes in handy when she stumbles across Dex Foray, an eccentric producer for an upcoming web-cast on ghost hunters. Even though the show's budget is non-existent and Dex himself is a maddening enigma, Perry is instantly drawn into a world that both threatens her life and seduces her with a sense of importance. Her uncle's haunted lighthouse provides the perfect catalyst and back-drop for a horrific mystery that unravels the threads of Perry's fragile sanity and causes her to fall for a man, who, like the most dangerous of ghosts, may not be all that he seems."

My overall rating is a solid 4.5 stars! And yes, it's mainly due to my big, fat, weird love for Dex. 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Review: A Beautiful Lie (#1) by Tara Sivec

It's been four days since I last posted! I know, shame on me! I had nothing new to review. I wasn't in the mood to have any quick re-reads so I could review those. I was..stuck. Ask Amy, she witnessed my problem on Twitter!

A Beautiful Lie (Playing with Fire, #1)BUT! I FINALLY found something! And it's something I started to read quite a while ago. I never finished it. I suppose at the time, I wasn't ready for what I thought was going to be a major love triangle. See, the blurb? It says:

"He saw her first, but his friend made the move.

She settled for the safer choice, but her heart knew the truth.

They love, they crave, they lie.

Garrett McCarthy, Annabelle Parker, and Milo Roberts were as close as friends could get. They shared in each other's joy during graduations, promotions, and engagements. They consoled one another through heartache and loss.

When one of the friend's life is tragically cut short, it's up to the two left behind to pick up the pieces and find out the truth - no matter the cost. As they slowly start to uncover the nature of his deception, and the very powerful people behind it, they begin to question everyone and everything, even themselves.

Everyone has secrets - some do it for love while others do it for power. Those secrets can change perceptions, alter reality and sometimes destroy lives.

What do you do when you find out your whole life has been a lie?"

What's so bad about this, you ask? For one, this is why I didn't finish the book the first time around. Second, It's so wrong! Okay, so technically, everything stated in it is true. BUT! It doesn't some pretty freakin' important parts. Like, Oh I don't know, How the guys are Bad Ass Navy SEALs!!! Oh, and how Parker's a Bad Ass CIA Special Ops chick!!! Now do you see why I'm pissed? I was so damn wrong about it! It's even better that I imagined.


So, we know something super bad happens, and the three become two. But how did it all begin?

Garrett and Milo have been best friends since they were nine years old. They do everything together. Annabelle Parker has no one. Her mother dies, and her father hates the sight of her. **poor girl** 
A chance meeting changes everything. Garrett and Parker had a connection from the very beginning, but because of her past, Parker refuses to love anyone so much that it consumes her. So she stays with  Milo. He's safe.

When he passes, Parker and Garret need to find out if it really was an accident. Secrets they held from one another will be revealed, and their friendship will be tested.

**Sighs** It was intense, that's for sure.

The twists in this, they were awesome! You sorta think you might know what is about to happen, and you're sorta right. As in, maybe like, 10% right.

I really don't want to reveal too much, because this one is the type that you need to go into without much information. Trust me on this one.

A solid 4.5 stars. The writing was great, it flowed nicely and the story line in general was pretty damn amazing! The author definitely ticked all the right boxes and raised the bar for other books in this genre!